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Morning HM wakes up from her sleep and found 2 legs over her one is short and other is long, a smile crept on her face and thought "it's time to create memories with them for my life"

HM caressed her daughter's leg and looked at KS's legs "If you were here as Ziddi, in first place I pressed your legs" thought this, she looked at the mother-daughter duo, who is sleeping facing her.

HM doesn't want to take their legs from her, so she just continued to lay there along with them.

After sometime, KS wakes up from her sleep and found her legs over HM "Shit" thought this, KS slowly removed her leg from HM and turned to other side "Thank God, she is sleeping or else she will talk much about this" thought this, she again closed her eyes to sleep

HM who is aware of all the happenings, smiled at her Ziddi and gets up from sleep

"What, is she awake, when I took my leg from her? No, No, if she awake that time means, definitely she would say something. Thank God great escape" KS thought this, again turned to her daughter's direction and hugged her

After sometime, HM comes there with Milk, and looked at the mother daughter duo who are sleeping in each other's arms

"What a great development" thought this, HM turned to go, but she heard KS's voice

"I am up, if you want to wake up her, you can, I think she is getting late to her school" KS said

HM keep milk glass next to KS's side table and took ZNM in her arms by waking her "Baby get up, you are getting late" saying this, HM started to move out from the room

KS looked at milk and asked "For whom you bring this milk"

"For you" HM said, while standing at doorstep of the room

"I don't ask you this, and be in your limit" saying this, KS left to restroom

"Ziddi" murmuring this, HM went to Santu room to make ZNM ready for her school

"How long she will take to get ready?" thought this, HM tied the shoe lace of ZNM

"From yesterday she didn't eat anything" thought this, HM keep her one eye at her room door

"Ammi, we are getting late" ZNM said

"That's it" saying this, HM took ZNM in her arms and took her bags in other hand

KS comes there after getting ready for her office

"I prepared breakfast and packed lunch for you as well. Please eat this and take the lunch with you" HM said

"Ms. Mallik, how many times you want me to stay this to you, be in your limit and don't prepare anything for me, as I don't want to eat anything here. I will eat something in my hotel" saying this, she stormed out of house

"She is exact opposite of Ziddi, right" Santu said

HM smiled at her and said "But she is ZID. We are getting late Santu, eat your breakfast and take lunch with you, I will drop her at school"

Santu nodded her head

"Ammi, I don't like her" ZNM said

"Why baby, what happened?" HM asking this, she stopped in her tracks

"I don't like her. I don't like her. She is scolding you always and she kept my king on the floor yesterday night and I don't have space for my teddy's in our bed, because of her and she wasted 2 glasses of milk and ..." ZNM continued, but HM stopped her in between "Enough baby, she is not scolding me, we are friends and we will speak like that only. And I was the one, who kept your king on floor as I don't get much space in bed and she doesn't waste any milk"

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