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Deleted Part Successfully recreated

Thanks to Nimasha Ji for the screenshots, that too in proper order. And that makes my work bit easy for conversion


"What did you called me" KS asked ZNM

"Ziddi, your name" ZNM said

"What, who said this to you" KS asked, to which ZNM immediately turned and looked at HM and pointed her mother

"You are finished now" Santu whispered

"No, no, I didn't" HM blabbered looking at them, "I think something is burning in kitchen, I will check that" saying that, HM gives puppy to Santu and moved towards the kitchen

"Ziddi" KS asked ZNM, to which ZNM nodded her head with a smile and left her hand

"Munchkin, come we will play with this puppy" saying this, Santu took ZNM with her

"Ziddi" "Ziddi"

"Some where, I know this"

"It might be from Ziddique" thought this, KS moved to kitchen to check the person, who gave her, this name

"So, you are the one, who named me as ZIDDI" KS asked, while standing at the doorstep

HM turned and looked at KS and said "No, I just said that you are too stubborn and your daughter mistook that like"

"Seriously, I didn't understand one thing, you are the one, who forcing me to eat or do something, when I was clearly said to keep distance from me and asked you to be in your limits. Now, tell me, you are stubborn or I am" KS asked HM

"I am sorry for that" HM said "Ammi, why are you asking sorry to Ziddi" ZNM comes there

"Aah baby, no, I didn't asked sorry, why I have to ask sorry to my friend" saying this, HM winked at KS, to say the same to ZNM. KS glared at HM

"Really" ZNM asked, looking at them suspiciously

HM puts her hands over KS shoulder and said "Aah baby, we are just joking with each other. Now tell me, what you want. Why you came here"

"Aah Ammi, I came here to ask you some name for our puppy" ZNM said

"We will name her, tomorrow, baby. Now go and play with her" HM said

"Okay Ammi" saying this, ZNM runs from there

"Go slow" saying this, HM takes her hands from KS shoulder

Before KS could say anything, HM said in hurry "I am sorry for this, I did this, because she doesn't like, when we fight with each other. So, I said to her that we are friends, Please, for baby's sake. Please"

"If you want don't accept this explanation, you can slap me as much as you want" saying this, HM takes KS hand in her's and tried to slap by her own, but KS stopped and holds her head

"Ziddi, Ziddi"

"I am sorry, I am really sorry for what I did with you, yesterday"

"I am sorry. You can slap me as much as you want"

"Ziddi, Ziddi"

"I am sorry. You can slap me as much as you want"

"I am sorry, I am really sorry for what I did with you, yesterday"

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