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"We are just worried Haseena" RM said, while blinking her eyes at HM

HM looked at her mother once, who is intentionally ignoring her, takes her bag and left to her room

"Why are you behaving with her, like this" RM asked NM

NM exhaled her breath once and said "At least to change my rude behavior towards her, I believe she change herself, that's why I am behaving like this"

"Now I am with her and I am getting some Pension because of her father, after me, what she gonna do, How she gonna earn, I don't know. If I think about her like this way, I didn't get any peace, that's why I am applying many jobs foi her, in the hope, she will attend the interview and get any job"

"You know, how difficult it for her to gets the job, because of her Poor Conduct certificate and she didn't have any proper certification"

"You know right, how talented cook she is, No, She was. In her college time, No one would think in their dream that she would end up her carrier like this"

"How someone can love, like this, madly, just madly, blindly. Still, she can't get over from that, even though that one betrayed her. I agree she completely forgave her, but she can't forget that love"

"You don't know, how hard for me to see my daughter like this. She completely spoiled herself. She didn't want to take any job, didn't want to go anywhere, didn't spoke with anyone much, didn't eat properly, didn't sleep properly" saying this, NM felt bad thinking about her daughter's condition

"I understand Noor Ji. But Nowadays, she is somewhat Okay, comparing to previous years" RM said this, to assure NM

NM melancholically smiled and continued "You know right, whenever she smiles she has dimples, did you remember, when you last saw that dimple"

"Yeah, she is somewhat okay, that's why I am applying for these jobs on behalf of her, in the belief that, she will attend these interviews. But I am not sure" NM said this, while moving to her daughter's room to check up on her

NM slowly opened the door and slowly peaked into room. She looked at her daughter, who is sleeping carelessly in her bed, even without changing her dress. She takes her seat next to her and started to caress her daughter's head


"Why are you standing like this, here from the morning" asking like this, RM entered into house with groceries

"What happened Rani, to whom, you are speaking" NM asked

"One girl standing near our house gate from the morning. Morning I saw her, while opening the door for Haseena, after that, I saw her while going to the shop for purchasing this groceries, still she is here" saying this, RM keeps groceries in the dining table and again left from there to check the visitor

"Wait I will come and check" saying this, NM went there

HM who came out from her room, saw this conversation, but chooses to ignore that as always. She took some food in one plate and started to eat, while standing and took some support of the wall near to the kitchen. It's her usual way of eating. Today she ate without any disturbances as her mother is not here to scold her for doing this

While eating, she heard RM's voice, who is shouting with someone. HM completed her lunch, put her plate in sink and started to move towards her room

"I am asking you only, answer us. Look how stubborn this girl is, didn't open her mouth once" HM stopped in her tracks, while hearing this

HM closed her eyes and remember her encounter with Ms. Beauty , HM turned towards the door and went out to check, what is happening

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