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Deleted Part Successfully recreated

Thanks to Nimasha Ji for the screenshots, that too in proper order. And that makes my work bit easy for conversion


KS tried to open the door, but it's not opening. She pushed hard the push button of the door, but it's not opening

"Even the push button of the door is not working properly. This stupid Mira, spoke highly about this, I don't know where they kept the emergency alarm button. Such a Outdated cold room" frustratingly thought this, KS looked for emergency button, which is after 2 to 3 shelving's

"Who the hell kept emergency button, this much away from the door" thought this, KS finds the emergency button and pressed that, but she is not sure that button is working or not. But she heard some voice from the door

"What the fcuk, the push button is not working"

KS turned and saw the owner of the voice through shelving's, whose back is facing her

"Aahhh" The person trying hard to open the door, by giving her entire weight to push button to open the door

"What the fcuk, I trapped here" saying this, she kicked the door frustratingly 

KS saw everything from back, as for her, the person's activities are like watching some cartoons

"Please, Please, open, open" "If it is not open like this, then

definitely I will be late to my house, and my daughter again gets angry on me"

"Allah, Please do something"

"I can't convince my daughter that much easily" saying this/shouting like this, she again kicked the door

"Ziddi's daughter going to behave like Ziddi, again. I am finished" murmuring this, again HM trying hard to push the door to open that

Seeing and hearing all this, person's actions and blabbering, an actions and blabbering, an unknown smile crept on KS's face

"Door will not open" saying this, KS moved towards the person, crossing the shelving's

HM heard this, and "Not again" murmuring this, she closed her eyes, as she somewhere knows the owner of this voice

KS saw the person still standing near the door, so she again said ""Door will not open"

"Door will not open" saying this Ziddi coming towards HM, who is trying to open her room door

HM turned and looked at her, who is standing at some distance from her, while holding the baby bump in one hand and Teddy simba in other hand

"Ziddi Ihave some important work, I need to go now, what is t his" HM asked

Ziddi smiled at her and said "No, you won't go out"

"Give me the keys" saying this, HM comes to her

"Then you have to play with us" Ziddi said

"US" HM asked

KS nodded her head. HM looked at her and her hands and said "So, that US meant this teddy, you and your baby

"Our baby" KS said. HM smiled at her, as how she always make clear that baby is ours. KS pinches HM's dimple with her finger

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