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Welcome to the world of ZIDDI, she doesn't know who she was, but now she is her Mi's and Haseena's Ziddi and her Simba's too. She doesn't have any negative feelings or worries such as pain, anger, betrayal, sad, etc.., She is just happy with her Mi, Haseena and Simba. Even she doesn't know about her baby, when she herself baby for the person's in this house. She doesn't know, who are they to her. And they doesn't know who she is, even her name. But they love her so much, that she knows for sure

For Noor Jahan, before her entire world revolves around her daughter Haseena, now someone takes that place in joint with Haseena. Before she saw her broken daughter in Ziddi, now she started to saw ziddi as her daughter itself. And she is not only happy to get Ziddi, but happy too get her daughter back

For Haseena, still it is a question, why the stranger shadow followed her, and believed her that makes her to reach here from Delhi, and why she is caring her always. But HM accepted the facts of Noor that if it is meant to happen, it will happen. So she stopped to find answers for those question. Because she understands the fact of life "Dont try to find answers, when you find the answer for your question, then life will simply changes the questions"

So she just decided to heal herself in the process of healing Stranger Shadow Aka Ziddi

And for these three sorry four, no one knew that stranger/unexpected/unknown person would create huge impact in their life. Yeah for HM and NM, Ziddi and her un born baby are stranger  and for Ziddi and her un born baby, NM and HM are strangers

"I want to live in a place where strangers rush to help someone in distress" - Ian Mcewan

"We all start as stranger"

"And it's funny, how someone who was stranger, suddenly becomes so important to you"

2 Weeks later

"Ziddi from the morning, you are sitting  in the steps like this with teddy" NM asked Ziddi, while coming out from house with fruit bowl

"Mi, this is not teddy, this is my Simba" Ziddi said

"So, you started to speak like this" saying this, NM takes her seat next to Ziddi, who is sitting near the doorstep with teddy urf Simba

"What happened to my baccha, why are you sitting like this, here" NM asked Ziddi, while handing over the fruit bowl to her

Ziddi turned her head to other side as she is saying NO to the fruit bowl.

"If you wouldn't eat that, then Haseena will give your Simba to someone" NM said

"No, She won't give. She is not here from morning" Ziddi said

"What she is not here, May be she went somewhere" NM said

"Today she didn't take me out in her bike for rounds" Ziddi complained to NM about HM

"Where she went leaving my bacha like this" NM thought and said "I will make a call and I will check her. Now you eat this, for my sake"

"No" Ziddi said, while keeping her eyes at gate

"You will not speak with her, but you want her to be with you all time, want her to name your teddy, want her to take you out everyday in her bike, want her to buy your favorite chocolates and ice creams, want her to do all your needs, want her to obey all your orders and make her to dance in your tune" saying this, NM called HM, but to their badluck her phone is switched off

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