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"How was your training Santu" asking this, KS takes her seat in dining table, opposite to Santu, while her daughter is sitting on the table

"It went good di" Santu said

KS looked at HM, who is eating her food silently, without giving any attention to her, not only now, but from the time, she came here

KS thinks for a while and asked ZNM "Ziddique, so you are shifting from Mumbai to Lucknow, and you gonna miss your friends in your school"

Hearing this, Both Santu and ZNM looked at HM, and KS continued "If you don't believe me, you can check with your Ammi"

"Ammi, what Ziddi is saying" ZNM asked HM

"She is just playing with you, baby. Leave that" HM said, while asking her daughter 'to eat' in action and glared at KS, to which KS smiled at HM

Santu, who observed all the things between HM and KS, asked "Did I missed anything?"

KS opened her mouth to say something, But HM interrupted KS by calling her "Ms. Singh, Please concentrate on your food"

"It's Karishma, for you, Haseena" KS said with a smile and winked at santu, to which Santu nodded her head in a understanding way with a broad smile

KS smiled at her, and Santu said "Between Karishma di, it's not Karishma, it's Ziddi for her"

KS looked at Santu like 'what' and said "I am Ziddi only, but for that, you guys don't have to give name like that, right"

HM listened all this, and this stand of KS about her name, makes HM sad

"So, Haseena" Santu said while pointing HM and "Karishma" pointing KS, and continued "If it is, then I am happy, happy, happy"

"For what, Santu masi" ZNM asked

"I am happy very happy, my munchkin" Santu said, ZNM looked at Santu weirdly and turned towards HM and said "Ammi..."

"Leave her baby" saying this, HM takes her empty plate and left from there


KS, who entered into their room, looked at her daughter and daughter's mother, who laying on bed, as ZNM over HM's back and HM by her stomach on bed and watching some movie in Tab

"Come on Alice" shouting this, ZNM jumped on HM's back, HM smiled at her daughter's excitement

"What are you watching" asking this, KS takes her side of the bed

"Alice in Wonderland" ZNM answered, while continued her attention in movie

KS looked at them, who were in no mood to give attention to her.

"Yeahhhh" shouting this, again ZNM jumped on HM's back

"Ziddique, slow, why are you jumping like this, on her back. Already she have back pain issues" KS said

Ignoring KS, ZNM hugged her mother from back and continued to watch the movie

"Seriously, she is mad in love, why she allow her to jump on her back like this" thought this, KS laid next to them, and joined them to watch the movie, as she doesn't have any other option than this

After sometime, KS looked at her daughter, who is sleeping on HM's back and said to HM, who is completely involved in the movie "Haseena, she slept on your back"

"I know" HM said, while continued to watching the movie

"Then, why are you watching this" KS asked, while lifting ZNM from HM's back

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