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"Ziddi" ZNM called KS, who just comes out from her room to leave for office

"Yeah baby.. sorry... Yeah Ziddique" asking this, she kneeled in front of ZNM, who is ready for school

"Ziddi, take this food with you" saying this, ZNM pointed out the food bag, which is in table

"I will eat in our hotel, don't worry about me, and You have to eat everything, which your Ammi packed for you" saying this, KS adjust ZNM's dress, and continued "If you want, you can come with me, I will drop you at School"

"I want My Ammi to drop me at School in bike" saying this, ZNM runs to INKY, to play with that for sometime, before going to school

KS gets up and looked at HM, who is arranging ZNM's bag, Said " I know you are a nice person, and that's why I came here to give my daughter to you, but please try to understand that, I don't want to get any attachment with anyone, other than my daughter"

"And in the same time, I don't want to hurt you because you are genuinely trying to do some thing for me, that's why I am saying this to you, humbly."

"And don't use Ziddique for all the things, I know you are the one, who is pushing her to ask me, so many things"

"Please understand, I don't want to be rude with you, and in the same time, I don't want to develop any attachments or dependency with anyone"

"Because, If I used to do that, it's difficult for me to get rid of that attachment, and already many used that habit of mine in their favor. SO, please be in your limit and I will stay in my limit" saying this, KS left from there

HM looked at KS retreating figure

Its been 10 days, KS is in HM's house. Everything is normal like before, KS started to play with ZNM and Inky, ZNM is slowly started to bond well with her new bed mate, even KS started to help some of the household work even though HM refused, but she maintained some distance with HM and Santu even though she started to speak with them.

PJ tried to meet KS few times in these 10 days, but nothing happened. They are more worried now, about their new lie to their daughter. And KK tried to meet KS, which she doesn't give a damn to him as well

"Baby, please some more time" HM pleased ZNM, who is standing on her back

"Ammi, I want to play with my inky, you are disturbing me" ZNM said

"Baby, please, Ammi have back pain, that's why, I am asking you to stand on my back, please some more time" HM pleased her daughter

"Ammi, I want to play with my Inky" ZNM said again, and she looked at KS, who is scrolling her mobile

"Ziddi, please stand on my Ammi's back for sometime" ZNM asked, no pleased KS

Both HM and KS looked at her in shock, and HM said "Baby, Now I am fine" saying this, She helps ZNM to get down from her back

"Santu Masi" shouting this, ZNM runs out of the room, leaving her mother in pain

HM tried to get up, but KS asked "If you want I can apply palm on your back"

"It's okay, I am fine" saying this, HM gets up from bed

"Haseena di, Kitkit comes to our house. I saw him through door hole" Santu said, while standing at the doorstep

"What, why he is here, that too, at this hour. I will check and you, please play with baby" saying this, HM left her room

"Hello Mr. Kapoor" saying this, HM welcomed him

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