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2 Months later

"Ziddi, please drink this last juice for me, today" NM pleased Ziddi, who is closing her both ears by her hands and sits in couch

"Ziddi.... Begam" calling this, HM enters into her house. But seeing Ziddi as one of the 3 wise monkey(Kikazaru- Hear No evil) like that, HM smiled

"Why my Ziddi, is sitting like this" saying this, she takes place next to Ziddi, who is tired of doing nothing

HM takes the juice from her mother and shows near Ziddi's stomach and she bend down little near her stomach and asked "What are you saying? You didn't drink any juice from morning. Your mom doesn't give anything to you. Okay, don't cry. I will give juice to you" saying this, HM sits properly and forcibly gives juice to Ziddi "I don't give this to you, I am giving this for baby" saying this, she gives her full glass of juice

"Haseena, don't force her like this. You changed a lot, but still behaving like this" NM scolded her

"Sometimes, we have to be like this to her" saying this, HM left to her room

"What happened to her? Usually she will spend some time with her" thought this, NM looked at her daughter, who went to her room

Ziddi, the stranger shadow entered into her room along with Simba and started to play with Simba, while sitting in the other side of bed, while looking then and now at HM, who is sleeping

But after getting no response from HM, she wakes up HM

"Please wake up and play with me" saying this, she started to shake HM

"Ziddi, I am very tired. Please allow me to sleep" HM said

Ziddi checked her temperature and shouted "Mi"

"Simba has fever"

"Simba has fever"

NM hear this, she took Ziddi's Medical Doctor toy set and comes to their room to check Simba aka teddy

"Mi, this Simba has fever" Ziddi said pointing HM

"I think Ziddi will move on easily, but we are going to stuck in this now" thought this, NM kept toy doctor set away and checked her daughter, who is having fever

"Haseena, get up, you are having fever" NM said

"Yes, already I take tablet, nothing to worry. If I sleep properly, tomorrow morning I will be okay. And take her with you" HM said while pointing towards Ziddi

"Why, is she disturbing you?" NM asked

"No, No, if she stays with me, then, she too have chances to get fever, so that I said like that. As I don't want her to get fever from me" HM said tiredly

"Do you need anything, let me know. And I will take her with me" NM said, while picking Teddy Simba with her

"Ziddi, come" saying this, NM left with Simba aka teddy.

After some time, HM turned and find Ziddi there, in the other side of bed, who is speaking with her baby bump "Please allow me to sleep peacefully, Simba has fever. Please don't disturb me. I am feeling sleepy" saying this, she holds her baby bump

Seeing this, a smile crept on her face. HM checked her fever once by herself, its already down by the medicines. She moved little closer to Ziddi and asked "What are you speaking with your baby?"

"Our baby" " And I saw many times, at night, you will ask her like this. So, I tried like that" saying this, Ziddi looked at HM and moved closer to her

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