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"Seriously, I don't understand anything Ms. Singh" HM said

"Is Shweta really loved you, Ms. Mallik" KS asked

HM just remained silent. "Answer Me" KS asked

"How can I answer this, and I can't answer this, as I don't know whether she loved me or not?" HM said, while getting up from the bed

"And I don't want to speak about my BITTER past, when I am happy with my BETTER present" saying this, HM walked out

"What BITTER, BETTER, Butter, Answer me" KS asked HM

HM stopped in her tracks and said, without turning "Why are you always asking me the questions, which I can't answer, and only other's can answer that"

"What are you saying" KS asked

"So, you don't know, which question I am saying" saying this, HM turned and looked at KS with a smile

(Author's note: If anyone understand this, take this trophy 🏆 from your writer)

"I don't want any answers. It's your life, do whatever you want, why I am asking this, who am I to you. You are just my daughter's mother, that's it" saying this, KS stormed out of house

HM just smiled at the storm, which passed her


"Creativity, Leadership, Endurance and Passion. These are the most essential skills to became of successful Chef. So I think they would monitor these qualities from every competitors" HM said

"Yeah that's it, you are very well aware about this" SP said with a smile, and continued "I don't have problem with others skills, as I know very well about your talent, but now my concern is, only about the Endurance"

"Why, I am fit and fine. Then why are worrying about that" HM asked

"Not only me, even Ms. Singh is worrying about that" SP said

"What she said, and you both are doubting about my Stamina" HM asked

"Ms. Singh informed me about your back pain issues, that's why, we are worrying" SP said

"There is nothing to worry about that, I will handle" saying this, HM looked at her wrist watch

"I think, you are getting late to pick up Ziddique from School, you can go, we will discuss remaining things later, as we have a week time" SP said

"Ms. Singh will pick up baby from school, already she informed me, I just looked at watch" HM said with a smile

"So, what is happening" SP asked, while looking at HM, while raising her eyebrows

"What" HM asked

"You don't think that, you both are acting as perfect partners" SP asked, with a smile

HM glared at SP, and SP continued "I mean, that you both are... are better partners in handling the responsibilities of Ziddique. Look, Now you are here, she went there to pick up your daughter. Like this, I meant"

SP looked at HM once, and continued "And look, even she knows about your Stamina"

Hearing this, HM again glared at SP and said "Shivani" while raising her fingers like asking SP to stop

"I mean, she was the one, who informed me about your back pain, in that way, I meant"

"She knows that, because" HM stopped once, and looked at SP, who is looking at HM with a smile " She is staying with us. So"

"Even I am saying the same" SP said

"Okay, we will discuss remaining things later. I will leave now, Bye" saying this, HM gets up from her seat

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