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"Ammi" ZNM called HM over phone

"Aah Baby" HM replied to her daughter

"When you will come to our home" ZNM asked her mother

"Baby,Please Play with your teddy's, I will come soon. And you can think some name for the teddy's. Once I come to home, we will name them with that name" HM said

"Aah Ammi, Bye, I am going to play with Teddy's" ZNM said

"B..y" Before HM could say this, ZNM cuts the call. HM smiled at this and get back to the work as she is in the mid of supervision

"Hello Ms. Mallik, How the work is going?" Asking this, KK(Krishna Kapoor) comes to HM

"Yeah Mr. Kapoor, it's going good. We just need to do few things to complete everything" HM said this, with a smile

"Well, then I will come after sometime to check all at once" KK said to which HM nodded her head


"It would be better if you changed your dress for this function, but you are" Mira stopped at this, as she felt KS's glaring

"We are just going to attend this function just for the name sake, that too because of that client, because he was the one, who supported me in my initial stage. And what's your problem in my dress, I am wearing formals only, I think it is more than enough for this function" saying this, she walked along with Mira towards her car

Both reached their car, KS saw the cleaner cleaning her car and asked Mira to give some money to him. He thanked them and left from there

"So, you are changing" Mira said to KS, who ignited her car

"What made you to say like this" KS asked her back

"Because you are asking me, to give some money to that cleaner" Mira said

KS smiled at Mira and said "Actually I did this, to prove that I am correct to you"

Mira looked at her like "What" and KS continued "Actually we are paying him, monthly salary for cleaning. But whenever he wants some money, he will clean the car before us, like he is doing some favor for us, actually he is doing his work. But he made us to believe that he is doing the favor, and get some money from us"

"What are you saying" Mira asked

"Here everyone is doing something to us/for us just for money or for some favor. If you have money, you can do everything and anything, and I am strongly believe that no one, simply no one will do anything for you without any expectation. Everyone have some expectations behind their every actions, they did/do for others" KS said

"I don't know about others, but our parents are doing everything for our well being and they do all the things to us, without any expectations" Mira try to reason-ate with KS

KS smiled at Mira and said "I don't know about others, but my so called parents expect something from me for the life they gave to me. And I don't want to discuss about them with you. Because you never gonna understand what I felt and what I feel. Leave that, I just said about my opinion"

"Even I am saying the same, you just said about your opinion, not all the human beings will be like that" before Mira could complete this, KS interrupted  "All the person in my life, like that only. So I don't want to think about commonly" KS said this in stern tone

Both remained silent throughout the journey towards the destination


"Hello Ms. Singh, Welcome" saying this, Mr. Rathore welcomed KS

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