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HM enters into her room and looked at her daughter, who is sleeping, she takes her place next to ZNM and pull ZNM into her and hugged her tightly

"Sorry My baby, I forget you and went behind ...."

"I never do this again with you" thought this, HM kissed her

But Sleep is far away from HM's eyes. She is struggling with Past, Present and also about the future.

HM gets up from her bed and started to walk to and fro in her room. "I have to decide, what I have to do and how I am going to do that. Because I know how uncontrollable I am when it comes to ... " HM thought this, while restlessly walking in her room.

HM stopped in her tracks, and looked at the cupboard once. "Just once, Just once" HM mind is playing games with her and forcing her to do something

"No, No, I can control myself, I can control myself" HM murmured to herself

"Just once, JUST ONCE" Again her mind tricked her

HM moved towards her cupboard and opens that, and took some punch of photos from the locker.

"Ziddi, stand near your Mi, so that I can take this selfie, properly" HM said, while removing Ziddi's hands from her arms, who side hug her and giving pose to the selfie

Ziddi changed her position from left to right, but doesn't left HM.

"Ziddi, I said if you stand with me like this, I can't take this selfie. Go and stand near your Mi" HM again said, while checking the position of phone to take the perfect selfie with her new formed family

Ziddi's face was fallen, and she just looked at NM sadly like "she is going to crying, anytime soon"

"Arey Mera Baccha, what you want, you just want to stand with Haseena right" NM asked Ziddi. To which she nodded her head with a smile

"Haseena, give that phone, I will take selfie, You both stand behind me. And Ziddi, you can hold her, however you want" saying this, NM took phone from HM's hands, and she clicked their picture, as NM in front, HM and Ziddi in back, while Ziddi hold HM by her arms with a bright smile.


(Author's note: I don't know what obsession I have with these photos and photo frames, but I am using that, in all my stories)

Seeing the photo and remembering the things behind the photo, an unintentional smile crept on HM's face and she started to caress the photo

"There is purpose for everyone you meet

Some people come into our life to test you

Some people come into our life to teach you

Some people come into our life to use you

Some people come into our life to test you

And some to bring out the very best in you"

HM thought this, while remembering her encounter with KS 2 times in a row in road, which leads to these inner turmoil

"Unknown person with unknown identity, unknown feelings, unknown relationship, everything is unknown between us" thought this, HM remembered the day she met Ziddi for the first time




At 11.00 pm

"I never thought she would be such a loser in all her life, ie., both personal and professional life"

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