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HM brings her bike near KS and asked her to get into bike. KS glared at her. HM smiled at her, she get down from bike and helps KS to sit in the bike and she sits in the bike and took ZNM and make her sit in front of her.

"If you want we can check with doctor first" HM asked, "Please just drop me at my office, that's enough. And don't talk like this continuously, it's irritating me along with my pain" KS said rudely, HM just nodded her head and ignited her bike

After sometime, HM looked at KS through mirror, who is closing her eyes once in a while in pain and uncomfortably holding the back handle.

"You can hold me, if you are uncomfortable in holding the back handle" HM said, which KS completely ignored and continued to hold back handle with uncomfortableness

"Ziddi" thought this, HM continued to drive the bike towards the address said by KS.

HM saw KS, who is rubbing her stomach by one hand, HM stopped bike at side of the road and asked "Did you feel hungry?"

"What, why are you asking like this. Just drop me at office?" KS said in frustrating tone, due to the pain plus HM's continuous questions

"I thought you are hungry, that's why I asked like that" saying this, she again started her bike

"Yes, I feel hungry. For that, what you will do" KS asked

"We will eat something, before dropping you at your office" HM said

"Who are you to me" KS asked in flow, because both pain and hunger makes her mad and she wants to shout at everyone, but poor HM became her prey there, but HM doesn't take any of her words seriously

HM just stopped her bike at small road side food stall, seeing this, KS anger reached another level, she started to shout at HM "why the fcu" HM glared at her and pointed ZNM to her, "what's your problem, why you stopped here" KS Asked

"I am hungry and my baby too" saying this, HM gets down from bike, leaving both ZNM and KS in bike, she puts stand and left to buy some food for them

After sometime, HM comes with 2 plates in her hand and water bottle. KS looked at her and her watch "It's my mistake, why the fcuk I asked her to drop at my office" thought this, KS just sitting in bike silently. She looked at ZNM, who is sitting silently in tiredness and thought " I think she is too hungry, she is looking very much tired, what's the need to take her to temple in hot weather like this"

HM comes to them and showed one plate in front of KS, "Is I asked you?" KS asked in stern tone, HM smiled at her and said "Sorry Miss, I didn't bought this for you. I just asked you to hold this for sometime, until I feed my daughter"

KS is hell embarrassed, but she maintained her stern look and takes the plate from HM and HM started to feed ZNM

"Ammi, no, I don't want" ZNM said

"Please baby" HM asked

"How many times I have to eat today" ZNM said, KS looked at HM and asked "what the hell you want and why are you making scene like this"

HM closed her eyes in disappointment as her daughter simply spoiled her entire plan, but she composed herself and said "Sorry, I bought this for you only. We both already ate something. Please"

KS doesn't want to speak anymore with HM, she just started to eat without any complaints or anger as she knows it's simply waste to speak with this weird human. HM smiled at her and said "It taste good more than the 5 star hotels food"

Hearing this, KS stopped eating and raised her eyebrows at HM, to which HM nodded her head as YES and said " I am chef, and I know all the tactics of them, everything is gimmicks. You are paying not only for the food there, but for everything, every single thing. But they will speak proudly about their hospitality, but everything they did from our cost. Leave that, why I am saying this to you"

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