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2 days later

"Ms. Singh is in her cabin" HM asked Riya

"No" RK said

"No" HM asked

"Yeah, today she took off, like that Ms. Mira informed us" RK said

HM nodded her head and left from there

"Ammi, why Ziddi didn't attend my call and didn't come to meet me" ZNM asked HM

"She is busy in her work, baby" HM said, while looking at watch, as she is waiting for Santu to come and take care of ZNM, so that she can leave from here, to check her daughter's Ziddi mother

"Haseena di" calling this, Santu entered into house

"Santu masi" shouting this, ZNM runs into Santu

"Oh my munchkin is waiting for me" saying this, Santu picked ZNM in her arms

"Santu, take care of her, I have one important work I will back soon" HM said

"What work" Santu asked

"I will come and say everything to you clearly. Please" saying this, HM takes her bike keys


"Karishma, please open the door. What happened to you, why are you behaving like this" asking this, PJ knocked KS's room door

"I asked you to don't disturb me" KS replied

"Karishma, at least allow us to enter" Mira asked

"I asked you to don't disturb me" KS replied the same thing

"Ms. Mallik" Mira uttered, while looking at HM, who entered Singh mansion

"I want to meet Ms. Singh" saying this, HM moved to KS's room

Mira and PJ looked at each other. Mira assured PJ that HM will handle this, and they left from there

KS again heard the knock on the door

"I said don't disturb me" KS shouted

"It's me" HM said

HM heard the door lock opening sound, but the door is not open. HM waited for sometime and opened the door by herself as the door was unlocked few minutes ago

HM entered into room and looked at KS, who is looking at her

"Why are you behaving like this, why you didn't come out of this room. What made you to do this stupid thing, when you know how I lost my life like this, If you felt I did wrong by not saying your past to you earlier, give me the punishment what you want, but why you punish yourself like this" HM asked

KS remained silent

"Answer me, why are you behaving like this" asking this, HM moved to KS

KS remained silent

"So you won't answer Me" saying this, HM took KS's hands in hers and make KS to slap her

"What are you doing" saying this, KS tried to free her hand from HM, but no use. KS gathered all her strength and pushed HM

"Are you stupid" KS shouted at HM

"Now your anger went right. Please behave normal. And your daughter asking me, why you didn't pick her call" saying this, HM walked towards door to leave

KS looked at HM, who is walking towards door, and said "You don't know anything, other than, leaving me like this"

HM turned and looked at KS like 'what'

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