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"so she believed me, followed me and stayed with me"

Thought this, HM's eyes are brimmed, KS who looked at HM, shook her arms and asked 'what' in action and said "Don't get sad, I am completely alright, now"

HM just hugged her tightly and said "I will take care of you. Don't worry"

"Ms. Mallik, Relax, I think you got little emotional, after hearing my poor love story" saying this, she comes out of HM grip

KS smiled at HM, who is standing in front of her, having tears in her eyes, and said "I don't want to say all this to anyone, but I said this to you. Because" KS stopped at this, and looked at HM and said " Because I want something from you, means I need"

"I need your help" 

HM looked at KS, and said "I will do anything for you"

KS smiled at HM and said "I know, you are very genuine, you will help me, that's why I said my past to you and going to say my future as well"

HM carefully listening to KS, and KS continued " I bought one new house for me and Ziddique, and I am planning to move there, after sometime as I don't want to live anymore with my parents, that too with Ziddique"

HM nodded her head and said "I don't have any issues, you can move there, anytime with... With baby"

KS looked at HM, who is struggling to say this, "Ms. Mallik, that is not my problem now, now my problem is, I don't want Ziddique to be Singh's or Kappor's. I want her to be Mallik's in future also" KS said

HM looked at her, as she doesn't understand, what KS is trying to say to her, "For that, what I need to do" HM asked

"Actually you don't need to anything, that's enough" KS said with a smile

"Then why you asked me" HM asked, as she felt bad that KS doesn't asked anything from her

KS took HM hands in her's and said "I asked because, I am going to use all your adoption documents of Ziddique in future, in favor me. I don't want anyone to claim Ziddique as their, so I am going to say Ziddique is your daughter and no one has rights on her"

"I am asking this, because I don't want him to claim my daughter as his own, because he doesn't have any rights on her and also, I want to live peaceful life with Ziddique, without any problems, that too, I don't want any problem from Him, but that doesn't means, I am afraid of him, just I don't want to face him"

KS looked at HM for any response, but HM is just looking at their hands. 

"Ms. Mallik, are you listening me, right" KS asked, to which HM just nodded her head

KS takes her hands from HM's, and looked at HM for the answer. 

"Do As you wish, I don't have any problem in that, I will support you in this and also in anything, if you need" HM said this, with a smile


"Baby, how long you are gonna play like this, tomorrow you have to go to school" HM said this to ZNM for nth time, who is playing with KS, while laying besides KS

HM looked at King, which is laying in between her and ZNM, and looked at ZNM, who is in no mood to come to her

HM just covered herself with duvet and turned to other side, leaving the Ziddi's Ziddique with Ziddi, and slept

After sometime, HM felt some movement near her, feeling that a smile crept on HM's face, as she knows, who is snuggling into her, but startled by the voice of KS

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