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Everyday is another chance to change your life. Don't run away from your problems and mistakes, accept as it us, you will definitely find a way to move on or rectify.


"Hello Rani Maa, how are you?" HM answered the phone more sweetly, as she knows the other person on the line, gonna eat her(HM) head for making her(RM) stay in Lucknow for long, as she(HM) doesn't want RM to be here, as KS is with her

"Don't act over sweet with me. Even you didn't call me, but you are speaking sweetly, when I called you. I am good. How is my munchkin" RM asked

"She is doing good, Rani Maa" HM said

"Okay, how long you gonna make me to stay here. And I don't have any idea, how you are managing everything alone there" RM asked

HM looked at KS, who is busy with ZNM and said "Nothing to worry, Rani Maa. Here, everything is going good. And Soon, you can come here. Give me few more days, Please"

"Okay, okay, Give phone to my munchkin, I want to speak with her. Even she forgot me" RM complained

"We came for shopping, Rani Maa, I will make her to speak with you, later. And don't worry, she never forget you, in fact, she is missing you. Don't worry, soon I will inform you, when you will come here. Bye take care" saying this, HM cuts the call

"How long" KS asked HM, who comes to them after the call

HM looked at KS and asked "How long?"

KS glared at her and said "We finalized this dress for her"

"If my baby is okay with this, then it's okay for me" HM said, while looking at the dress, which they chose for ZNM

"But it is little heavy" HM said

"Ammi, I like this" ZNM said immediately.

"Even I liked this, baby. But" before HM completes, both Mother- Daughter duo finalized that dress

"And Ms. Singh, you don't know about her, she will say that she likes it, but she will not wear this, if she felt little heavy" HM tried to convince KS

"Leave that, just for one day, right" KS said

"What, for one day, for one day, why are spending this much money" HM asked

KS nodded her head in disbelief and moved to other section to buy some cloths for her.

"Please don't say anything about money, at least for today, as I am buying this dress for the new branch opening" saying this, KS started to look for her dress

"Do Whatever, you want, your desires, your money" murmuring this, HM followed them

"How is this" KS asked, pointing out one saree which is excellent contrast to ZNM's dress

HM looked at that, and said "You are opting for contrast color, I thought you will choose same as baby's dress color and twining with her"

KS smiled and nodded her head.

"If you like that, you can chose that" HM said

"Okay, then it's final, pack 2 pieces" KS said

"2 Pieces, that too a same saree, that too a bit costly one, that too for a single day, Boss lady" murmuring this, HM moved from there


"I will pay" saying this, KS takes the bill from HM, after their dinner

"No issues, I will pay" HM said

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