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Deleted Part Successfully recreated

Thanks to Nimasha for the screenshots, that too in proper order. And that makes my work bit easy for conversion


KS makes ZNM sleep in bed, HM keeps all the things and entered into their room

KS moved to HM and just hugged her "Thanks for this" saying this, she left HM and moved to bed

HM is just standing there, processing what just happened, she is thinking that howher LIMITED EDITION boss, just crossed her limit and hugged her

KS who laid on the bed next to ZNM, asked HM "Why are you standing there, like a statue?" while looking at HM, who is standing at the same place, where KS hugged her, HM just looked at her

"I know what are you thinking" KS said

"Nothing, just" saying this, HM takes her side of the bed

"You are thinking that, how I crossed my limit and hugged you, right" KS asked, to which HM remained silent, while covering her daughter with duvet

"Actually, I have two minds, no, one mind and one heart, most of the times, I follow my mind, who asked me to stay in limit with everyone and don't be nice to anyone, but sometimes, very few times, I follow my heart, which wants me to be nice to someone" saying this, KS covered herself with duvet and continued "I hope you got your answer for now and for the question you asked me in beach"

HM just nodded her head and said "Good Night", and that time our ZNM kicked KS in her stomach

"Ouch, she kicked me" KS said, while rubbing her stomach and looking at her daughter

"After a very long she is kicking you" HM said, while looking at the duo

"What" KS asked, averting her gaze towards HM

"I mean, mean, When you are pregnant with her, that time, she kicked you, after that, today she kicked you again, I said like that" HM said

Hearing this, KS thinks for a while "May be" saying this, She rubbed her daughter's leg, which is on her stomach

HM looked at KS, who is saddened by some thoughts, and asked "Did you ever imagine, yourself with the baby bump"

"I never imagined, because I thought they aborted by baby, but now.. Leave that" KS said, to which HM just nodded her head

"Nowadays someone, didn't give a damn to me" HM heard this, while preparing her morning tea

"No one loving me" Again she heard this, but this time, HM knows the owner of the voice, HM off's the stove and moved to NM's photo

"Why are creating this scene now" HM asked looking at NMS

"What, am I creating scene here" NMS asked

"Then Who" HM asked

"You, before, everyday, you stand in front me and speak. Nowadays, you are not giving a damn to me" NMS said sadly

HM just smiled at this and left from there, while nodding her head in disbelief about her mother's possessiveness

"Good Morning Haseena di" saying this, Santu takes her seat in the couch

"Good Morning Santu, you are looking very tired" HM asked

"Night I didn't get single second to sleep, that's why" Santu said, while taking the coffee cup from HM

"Ziddi, take me to my Granny's photo" ZNM said to KS, while being in KS's arms as both comes out from their room

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