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After sometime, HM came out from one shop with some bag in her hands. She received call from Santu

"Yeah Santu, tell me" HM asked


"10 mins, I will be there" HM cuts the call, and tensely she started to drive her bike towards her house

HM reached her house. And saw her mother, RM and Santu is standing there in living room

HM kept bag in the side table and asked "What happened Santu? And why you asked me to come soon? Anything serious? Nothing happened to her right? She is okay right? Did Psychologist came? Did she said anything?" HM piled her questions to Santu, and looked at her mother, who is standing there tensely

"Relax Haseena di, Doctor is checking her" Santu said

HM looked at her mother as she expects her mother would say something to her, but to her bad luck begum remained silent.

Doctor, No Doctors came out from HM room. Both doctor discussed something together

"Doctor, What happened?" Asking this, Santu went near doctor. And others too followed Santu

"Actually she is suffering from Amnesia, but we have to check her further to confirm which type of amnesia, she is suffering. But I am doubting this as Dissociative Amnesia" Doctor 1 said

"Means" HM asked

"Dissociative amnesia means can't recall information about yourself or events and people in your life, especially from a traumatic time. Usually, the forgotten time period, which can range from minutes to decades" Doctor1 Said

"You said you need to check further, but you are saying it as dissociative amnesia, is there is any particular reason for that. And also, what is the cause for this, and how can we cure her" HM piled her questions to Doctor

"Relax Ms." Doctor1 Stopped

"Mallik" HM said

"Relax Ms. Mallik, Please allow me to tell everything clearly" D1 said, while nodding her head with D2

"Actually I am doubting this as dissociative amnesia, because of the.. I don't know you guys know this or not" D1 said

"Tell us everything clearly doctor" HM asked, while looking at her room door

"Actually she is pregnant for 8-10 weeks" D1 said

"What" Santu asked this in shock. HM heart skipped some beats. NM stands there normally without any shock

"Actually that's why I doubt her amnesia as dissociative amnesia considering some factors" D1 said

"Which factors, you are saying Doctor?" HM asked

"Her age, her situation, her pregnancy, her memory loss" D1 said

Everyone shocked to hear everything, but they are sincerely listening the doctor to know more about ziddi

"Dissociative amnesia has been linked to overwhelming stress, which may be caused by traumatic events such as war, abuse, accidents or disasters. A person with dissociative amnesia may have experienced the trauma or witnessed it"

"Considering the above said factors I am doubting this"

"But don't worry, it's a curable one. And also People with dissociative amnesia usually respond well to treatment. But progress and success depend on many things, including the person's life situation and if they have support from family and friends"

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