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One fine day morning, and it is time for their usual traffic signal meet. KS is hopelessly looking at the signal light, while waiting in traffic. But her eyes are constantly looking at the opposite road signal, where she usually see the weird stranger and her daughter

A smile crept on her face, when the expected bike comes to an halt at opposite side signal. She looked at them, who is talking to each other

"I don't know what they will speak with each other, every time I am seeing them talking like this" thought this, KS looked at them, where the weird stranger is trying her best to cover her daughter's face, with her hands as the morning sun rays are directly hitting her daughter's face, who is closing her eyes because of the sunlight.

She tried her maximum to cover her daughter for sometime, then she looked at sun and her daughter once, she immediately lift her and turn her daughter to face her and make ZNM sit like that. Just that little hands hugged her mother, while completely engrossing her face in her mother's chest

Seeing this, a unknown surprising big smile crept on her face on KS's face. KS just continued to look at them, completely forget about the signal

"Karishma, it's green" Mira shouted at KS to bring her back to her own world

"ye.. ah" saying this, KS diverted her concentration on road.

"Actually, when you smile, you were more beautiful and I saw some peace behind that smile" Mira said

Hearing this, KS composed herself, and straightened her face and lips

"Why again, you get back to your rough self. And what made you to smile like this, and seriously I don't remember that, when I saw you last time with a smile, like this" Mira said

"Nothing" KS said

"Just tell me, what made you to smile like this, which you completely forgot to do these years" Mira asked

"I didn't forget that, nothing happened or make me to do that" KS said blankly

"That's why, I am asking you, what made you to smile, like this, if I know that, I will do something like that, right" Mira said

"You said, right. You felt peace in my smile, it has peace because that the thing, happened to be was genuine natural. If you do something to make me smile, you can get my smile, but you can't get that peace. So, leave that" KS said

Mira nodded her head and asked "Is anything related to your psychiatrist visit"

"Leave that, Mira" saying this, KS continued to drive her car towards her office


"Whose bag is this?" HM asked Santu, while looking at the big bag in her hand, who is standing in HM's doorstep

"Mine" saying this, Santu enters into HM's house, leaving behind the owner at the entrance

"Are you going anywhere" asking this, HM comes behind her

"I am not going anywhere. I am just going to stay here, till Rani Maa returns from her village" Santu said

"What" HM asked

"Already Rani Maa informed me to support you in her absence, as you can't manage single handedly all" Santu said, while keeping her bag in HM's room

"But, your station is far from here, right. It will be difficult for you, Santu" HM asked

"I will manage, just for a month, right. But I can spend more time with my munchkin, and eat good from best chef" Santu said

HM smiled at her and said "Thank you, You are the one, who knows everything about me, without a single word from me. Even I am little worried that, how I am going to handle this"

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