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"Why Santu, you informed her about my problem" HM asked Santu, who is sitting behind in her bike

"Actually, that Kitkit creates much problem in your bail, I don't know what to do, So I informed Karishma di and Shivani"

"Immediately Karishma di, arranged bail for you, through her lawyer. And if she doesn't arranged bail, then it that would be tough for me, as Kitkit was continuously planning against you. I don't know what that much vengeance he has for you" Santu Said

"Leave that" saying this, HM drives her bike towards KK office


"Hello Mr. Kapoor" saying this, HM entered into KK's cabin, along with Santu

KK glared at HM, and HM take her seat in front of him and said "Here is your, No, My 20 Lakhs rupees. Give me the agreement cancellation documents. I don't have time, I have to join my shift in 1 hour"

KK takes cash from HM and handover the documents to her and said "Now, you can leave from here"

"Arey Kit kit, wait a minute, I will check the documents once, because you are not an trustworthy person, so I will check the documents once, before leaving from here"

"And also I am not an fool like you, accept everything without checking" saying this, HM checked the documents once and said "Okay, fine, I will leave now, and bye for the last time"

"Santu, come we will leave from here" saying this, HM gets up from her seat.

"Ms. Mallik, our scores are not yet settled, you settled this one, but you have one more with me" saying this, KK gets up from his seat

"Look Mr. Kapoor, I did all this in polite manner, because I don't want to spoil my daughter's and daughter's mother's peace. If you want to do anything with them, then I won't behave with same polite calm manner with you"

"And don't take me, lightly. Because I want to do something to you, then I will do something. Santu, give that papers and pendrive to your kit kit"

"Mr. Kapoor, these are the proof against you in the case you put against me. I have this, I will use this, whenever if requires"

"Bye. And keep that in mind, I have more number of copies of this" saying this, HM left from there, along with Santu

(Author's note: Two seconds silence for those, who thought that I didn't continued the part from where I left last part, and also for the ones, who thought I mistakenly updated different part, and also for the ones, who thought I muted the conversation of KS and SP regarding HM's flashback,

And the ones, who didn't think about the above said anything. I welcome them to my teasing club with open hands with the award of Brilliant Reader. Okay, Hereby, I am closing my Award ceremony

And HERE YOU GO.........)

"Actually, The programme is conducted by Shweta Sharma, The best chef of India" SP said

"Okay, for that what" KS asked

"She is Haseena's EX" SP said


"She, EX, means" KS asked

SP looked at KS, who is shocked to know this, and said "Yes, she is, and She is her EX"

KS just nodded her head and said "Okay, but for that, why you don't want Ms. Mallik, to participate in this. Nowadays break up is very much common, even I too have break up and I too has a EX, what's problem in that"

"Actually, Haseena was locked into her house for straight 10 years after her break up, and after so much struggle her mother brought her out and now she is living her life with Ziddique, and remaining things you know"

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