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Author's Note:

I don't know whether it is coincidence or something, but something is special to me as a writer, when the important things of all my stories are takes place in PART 23.

In BMTB where HM gets to know KKS was her own daughter

In FTBIOY, the Confession of Rudy aka HM, while KS in death bed

In SC also, it continues

But don't worry about LMA, because there in no part - 23 in LMA as it is very short story

Okay, Now I stop my PROMOTION here


HM, who is busy in kitchen looked at watch "Aaahhh, we are getting late, baby is still sleeping" thought this, she switched off the gas and left to her room

"There is no sign for that she will wake up soon" thought this, HM takes her seat on the bed and took ZNM above her

"Baby, get up, we are getting late for your school" saying this, HM caressed her head

"Ammi, I don't want to go to school, today. I want to stay with you" ZNM said, while continued to be in her position, that is, over HM

"Why what happened to my baby" saying this, HM checked for temperature, even though HM knows that she is well

"Baby, Today I can't take leave, even Santu is not there, then who will be here to take care of you" HM said

ZNM remained silent, and HM continued "Tomorrow is Saturday right, we can enjoy tomorrow to the fullest, only today, you have to go to school" HM said, while getting up from the bed along with ZNM


"Baby, come. We will leave" HM said to ZNM, who is playing with her toys, while sitting on the floor of living area

"Baby, we are getting late" saying this, HM comes to her, who is sitting there playing with her toys silently

HM looked at her and her toys, which is laying all over the floor. "Baby, we are getting late, I will stay with you, tomorrow, full day, Promise" saying this, HM picked her in her arms and left from there


"So, you don't talk to me" HM asked ZNM, who is sitting on the bike grumpily, after sometime HM remained silent as for the time being, she doesn't want to force her daughter, who is mad at her

Both are standing in the signal, without their usual conversation, which they always do.

"What happened to them" the other person thought this, from the opposite side of road


"Hey Riya, Good Morning. Give me the Menu" asking this, HM takes her seat next to RK

"Good Morning. Here it is" saying this, RK passed the paper to HM. But looking HM's dull face, she continued "What happened to you. Why are you looking very dull"

"Nothing, just" saying this, HM started to have a look at menu. In the meantime, RK got call in Intercom

"Haseena, MD is asking you to meet her, Now" RK said

HM looked at her wrist watch and said "Already I am late" saying this, she left to KS's cabin

HM entered into KS's cabin. KS looked at her and asked her to take seat

"No, Thanks, I am getting late. So, it's better" saying this, HM stands in front of her

"How is Ziddique Noor Mallik" KS asked

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