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"Hello Santu, How are you? And How is your training going?" HM asked Santu, who is on other side of call

"I am fine, Haseena di, Training is going good. Leave that, first tell me, everything I heard about you is true" Santu asked

"What you heard about me" HM asked, while taking some veggies in bag, in the super market

"That you met your Ex, and Karishma di left you" Santu said

"Yes, I met her, but Ms. Singh doesn't left me. Now tell me, who said all the things to you" HM asked

"Shivani informed me" Santu said

"But, you both don't have much likings towards each other. Suddenly what happened between you both" HM asked

Santu smiled and said "We have common enemy, so thought of being friend with each other to face the common ENEMY"

"Santu, she is your sister. Don't speak like this" HM said sternly

"I don't know why, you still support her. Okay I will call u later. And take care" Santu said

"You too take care. Bye" saying this, HM cuts the call and puts the phone in her packet, but it fell down

"Shit" saying this, HM bends down to pick her phone, HM finds the legs which standing  beside her phone, HM lift her head and saw the person, who is standing  there and looking at HM with a smile

(Author's note: Here I badly want to be Cinematographer here, not as an writer, If I were an cinematographer,  definitely I will show you the person from her foot to head through HM eyes, who gonna pick up her phone. But the problem is I don't have that much Budget. Because, in my mind full of Nikkaaaaa, is running)

HM picked her phone from the floor and looked at the person, who is standing in front of her, with a smile, while twirling her hair. HM composed herself and turned to move towards her trolley

"How are you, Hasu baby? SS asked with a smile

HM looked at her, and she becomes little nervous. Without answering her or saying anything to her, HM stands there, while looking down the floor.

Seeing HM's condition, SS moved towards HM and stand close to HM with a smile

HM looked at the surroundings as they are standing in the vegetable section, in the super market, and surrounded by many people and at SS

HM stepped back wards from her and said "I am good"

SS nodded her head and looked at HM's trolley, and said " So, I guess, you are happy with your Perfect family. And from when you became like this"

HM cleared her throat, "I have to take something from that side. So" saying this, HM tried to move away from SS

But SS blocked her way and asked "Why are you hurrying this much, are you afraid of your wife, did she scold you, if you go home late"

"It's not like that. Leave way for me" HM said, still looking at floor

"Look at me baby, why are you looking at floor" saying this, SS puts her finger under HM's chin and make HM to look at her

"I thought you would never move on, in your life. But you have daughter" SS asked

HM looked here and there to avoid, "Look at me baby, why are looking here and there, is still I have effects on you" SS asked with a smile, while looking at HM, who is trying her best to run away from her

"Tell me about your love life, I want to know, how she entered into your life, which I thought that never gonna happen again in your life" SS asked

"What you want to know, Ms. Sharma Urf" SS heard the voice from her behind, And she interrupted that voice

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