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"Ammi" ZNM called HM, while having her ice cream

"Aah baby" HM looked at ZNM

"Ammi, I don't like this flavor" ZNM said, while forwarding her ice cream, which almost gonna complete

"My baby, don't like this flavor, here, eat this" saying this, HM exchanged her ice cream with ZNM's, which is almost full

KS looked at them, with a smile and said "You know about her, very well"

HM nodded her head and said "I said, right. She will do like this, only"

"I think I have lots of things to know more about you two" KS said, while walking with HM and ZNM, in the park

"I don't know about me, but you have lots of stories about your daughter" HM said

KS stopped in her track and glared at HM, HM smiled at KS and said "She is our daughter, I know that, but for that, I don't have to say this, every time"

"Every time, every single time, you have to say like that only" saying this, no ordering this, KS followed ZNM, who doesn't give any damn to the other two souls, who is quarrelling about her ownership

"Karishma" calling this, HM joined them

"I am talking with you seriously about my memories with you, which I didn't remember anything, but you are making fun of that" saying this, KS takes her seat on the bench in the park

"When did I made fun of that, I am explaining all the things to you, right. And I can't say all the things once at a time. So whenever you do something, which related to our past, that time I will tell you the story which related to that, Don't take much stress, I am here, so I will slowly say all the things to you" saying this, HM threw ball to ZNM, who is standing in some distance

"I stopped my tablets, even though I didn't get flashes like before, then how can I get to know about our past" KS said frustratingly

"Don't behave like stubborn. I said right, slowly, I will say everything" HM said, while catching the ball

KS just remained silent after that, till the time, the duo played

After sometime, HM looked at ZNM, who is in no mood to stop the game

"Baby, I am very tired. I can't play with you anymore" saying this, HM takes her seat on the bench

"Ammmiii" shouting this, ZNM runs towards HM and jumped into her lap

"Please play with me, some more time" ZNM asked

"Look, how sweating you are, it's enough for today. Tomorrow, we will come here again and will play, like this" HM said

"Tomorrow we will bring our INKY, Ammi" ZNM said, to which HM nodded her head and wiped her sweats

HM looked at KS, who is not paying any attention to them. "Baby, you are looking very tired, just lay here, for some more time" saying this, HM makes ZNM lay on the bench by keeping ZNM's head on her lap and leg on KS's lap

KS looked at ZNM's legs and at HM, she silently pulled ZNM's leg and started to press her legs

Soon, ZNM drifted into sleep. But all that time, KS remained silent

"Look, look at this" saying this, HM forwards her mobile

KS is in no mood to look that

"If my Ziddi is here, then by this time, she took this phone from me" HM said, while looking at KS with a smile

KS glared at HM and took the phone from HM, and looked at the picture, which they took the day before HM left Ziddi.

KS looked at that picture with a broad smile, where she stands with HM, and NM in front, who took that selfie

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