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Author's note: I never thought that my journey with Second Chance would come this far

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Author's note: I never thought that my journey with Second Chance would come this far. Thanks to almighty and to my readers who are with me throughout this journey

Forever grateful 😇


"Haseena is living with Karishma's daughter" This is the single line idea I got for this story. With that line, I developed whole story.

And I planned to name this story as SELFLESS LOVE or LOVE YOU AGAIN. And at last I changed the title as SECOND CHANCE.

Now almost we are nearing the climax of SC, and this time we reached one of the milestone.

Thanks to all, who is with me from the starting

Eid Adha


"Ziddi, will you come daily to pick me from school in bike" ZNM asked KS, who is riding HM's bike

"From today I gonna drop and pick up my baby from school only in bike" KS said

"Yayeeeeeee" ZNM shouted, while spreading her hands in the air

"Why you bring me here, at this late hours" KS asked HM

"Just take this bike, drive and practice" HM said

"I know how to drive this, but it's been very long" KS said

"I know that, that's why I am asking you to practice this now" HM said

"But why" KS asked

"Just do" saying this, HM pushed KS towards her bike

KS takes her seat on bike and HM sits in backseat and said "My baby loves bike, same like her mother, who loves bike. So if you drop of pick up her in bike. She will love that"

KS turned and looked at HM and said " But she loves to have a ride with you"

HM laughed at KS and said "Tomorrow you will see"

"Okay, but for that, why I need to practice, when I know how to drive bike" KS asked, while igniting the bike

"Because, I want to confirm that you will drive safely at correct speed. I can't simply allow you to drive bike with my baby" HM said

"But I know, how to drive bike" KS said

"Okay, then show me that" HM said, while keeping her head on KS's shoulder and wrapped her hands around KS's waist

KS smiled at this, and continued to drive for whole night, to get the license from her daughter's mother so that she can become her daughter's driver

After few hours, KS reached their house.

"Okay, so from today you gonna drop her in bike" HM said, while getting down from bike

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