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"So, nowadays, you are getting more flash of some scenes" Doctor asked KS

"Yes, doctor. Nowadays, it's quite more, and also that time, I heard some voices. I know, always my part of heart push me to know about that 2 years, but nowadays, it's quite more, Doctor" KS said

"Don't worry Karishma, it is common to get the flash of that 2 years now. Did you meet anyone, who is related to that 2 years" Doctor asked

KS thinks for a while and said "No doctor, in fact, I didn't stay even with my parents, completely I am staying in a new environment, new people, who doesn't know about me, and I didn't know about them. Even my doubt is that, why I get that flashes, when I am with them"

"Don't stress yourself much Karishma, may be you crossed something which happened in that 2 years. So, may be you got that flashes like that" Doc said

"Even I don't want to take stress, but whenever I get the flashes, my curiosity to know that 2 years is increasing, because I am feeling that, somewhere my heart wants to say something to me" KS put forward her thought

"I understand Karishma, but you are the one, who doesn't speak with anyone, and you made a cage for yourself, at least speak with your closed ones, who are with you, in that 2 years. May be they can help you" Doctor said

"I give some tablets to you, take that, when you were stressed about these things. And please open up with someone, first speak with someone, this is what I want to say this to you, personally" Doctor said, to which KS nodded her head


HM, who comes out from Super Market with groceries and thought about her Ziddi's words in that diary

"Please come soon"

"Please come soon and take me with you"

"I am waiting for you"

These are the only words, roaming in her mind, with that thoughts, she collided with other car in the parking and fell down from the bike

"Shit" thought this, HM gets up and take her bike and things from the road

"It's my mistake, I am sorry" HM said to the car driver

"Be careful" saying this, He went from there

"What happened to you" asking this, SP comes there

"It's my mistake, I didn't see his car and tried to turn the bike, in parking" HM said, while arranging all the groceries in the bag

SP helped her in that, and said "It's parking, that's why, you didn't get any hurt, if it is somewhere, then it would be more worse"

"Leave that, what are you doing here" HM asked

"Came here to buy some groceries" SP said, and looked at HM, who were seems off minded

"Haseena, come and we will have some coffee" saying this, she took HM to the nearby cafe.

"Tell me, is anything bothering you" SP asked

"Nothing, I am good. And nothing is there to bother me" HM said

"Don't forget that, we are very good friends, during our college time, but due to some circumstances we didn't have much contact and you know the reason for that" SP said

HM nodded her head and said "I know that, but I don't want to remember anything from our college days, leave that, but you always remain as my best friend"

"Then tell me, what is bothering you" SP asked, HM remained silent

"Did you think about Karishma?" SP asked

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