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Successfully recreated the last part of deleted part. Finally the writer me, at some PEACE ✌️

"Mira, you understand it right. Please arrange everything as I said.Because here the preparation partis very much important saying this, HM comesto SP along with Mira, after getting readyin her uniform with new logo of K chain ofhotels, which is soon going to be launched duringthe occasion of their 5th branch opening ceremony

"What are you advising her" SP asked HM

"Regardingsome preparations" HM said  with a smile, but theirconversations are disturbed by thenoise of whistle sounds they turnedand looked at the directions,a smile crept of HM'sface,asher daughter is whistling continuously

""Ziddique, stop it, I said right, you shouldn't do this" saying this, KS closed her ears and comes to them

"Oh my baby is whistling" asking this, HM takesZNM from KS

"SeriouslyHaseena, you are theone, who spoilher like t his"SP said

KS looked at SP once and looked at HM, as she wore the new uniform with their new logo

"Shivani, how is our new logo" KS asked

"Logo design is Excellent. Ms. Singh" saying this, SP caressed the logo on HM's uniform, which is near HM's heart

"It's really nice, right" asking this, HM looked at the logo of 'K'

KS looked at both HMand SP, who is  discussingabout the logo, "Okay,we will leave.We are getting fate" saying this, She walkedout, and remaining three followed her

"This is wrong, this is completely wrong, why I felt bad when I seethem close with each other, no, it's not correct" thought this, KS walked in front of them

"All the best. Haseena, Do well" saying this, SP huggedHM and looked at her hands and said 'Why are you wearing this bracelet, you know right, these metals and all will absorb the heat. Remove that one"

"Leave that Shivani, I wilt manage" HM refused to remove the bracelet

"Do, what ever you want. it gonna hurt you" saying this, SP left from there

"If that would hurt you like Shivani said, remove that one, you don't need to wear that one" KS said

"It's not like that,I will manage" saying this, HM left from there.KS felt happy that, as HM doesn't removed the bracelet, which she gave to her


"Wohhh" shouting this, ZNM runs to HM, who won the 2nd round of competition

"Baby. be careful, you don't have to run into the kitchen like this" saying this, HM picked ZNM in her arms and kissed her

"That was a marvelous presentation, Haseena" saying this, SP comes there along with KS

"Okay, we will go out, as these air conditions here in the kitchen is not working properly. Look how my baby is sweating" saying this, HM wiped ZNM's sweats


"What an endurance, you have" saying this, SS hugged HM, who won the semi-final

"Maannnn, what an energy and what an ability to exert a high level of physical effort for an extended period of time. Simply amazing" saying this, SS released HM from hug

"Between, who knows this better than me" saying this, SS looked at KS

"Ms. Singh congratulations. as per your wish, we gonna meet in Final SS said

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