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Sorry for publishing and unpublishing like this, seriously this Wattpad making me mad

If a writer falls in love with you, you can never die -- UNKNOWN

KS nodded her head, turned and walked towards their house

"There is nothing to feel bad, I am happy to take care of my daughter's mother" HM shouted from back

KS turned towards them with a smile and waved bye to them. And both left from there. KS just standing there and looking at the retreating figure of bike, the smile which she had few minutes ago, is not there. But there is something, yeah desire is there, desire to be with them is there

"You came, I thought you will come tomorrow. What doctor said" asking this, PJ takes the medicine and report from KS

"No need, I will take this" saying this, KS moved towards her room with Medicines

"Come and have dinner" PJ said

"I don't want, and please send some juice to my room" saying this, KS left from there

"Is it true that, I felt bad, when they left me here"

"Is it true that, I want to be with them"

"Why I am thinking like this. And why the hell she is nice to me, and I want to nice with her, all because of OUR daughter. Wait. When she becomes our daughter. Why always I wants to show us to that Shweta, as happy couple. Wait.. Couple"

"But I am happy and at peace, when I am with them, No, it's because I am with my daughter"

"Relax Karishma, Relax" thought this, KS takes her tablet, which the doctor prescribed for memory loss as her head started to paining

"Yes" KS said as she heard the knock on the door

"Here, is your juice" saying this, Mira entered into their room

"Why did you bring this" asking this, KS takes the glass from Mira

Mira smiled at KS and said "I can't bring this to you, but the stranger mother of your daughter can do all the things to you" while taking her seat on the bed, next to KS

KS looked at Mira and asked "What you want to say, from this?"

Mira smiled at KS and said "Actually, you are the one, who have to answer this. Now tell me, I can't do this to you, but your DAUGHTER'S MOTHER can do all the things"

"I don't understand, why you are making this as big issue, even your PJ also asking me the same question. What's wrong in that, If I stayed there" KS asked in frustration

Mira smiled at the frustrated KS and said "It's not wrong if that is your nature, but you wants to stay in your limit with everyone and asked everyone to stay with their limits, and you won't allow anyone to be close with you. But all of sudden, you are doing the things, which you usually asked not to do, and that's the reason for our questions"

"Yeah, what are you saying, she is my daughter, how can I stay in limit with her" KS said

"I am not talking about your daughter, I am asking about your..." Mira stopped at looked at KS, and continued with a smile "Your daughter's mother"

"Why are you smiling like an idiot" KS asked agitatedly

"Seriously, I don't understand one thing Karishma, that you are saying this, intentionally or unintentionally" Mira said, KS looked at her sternly

"Every time, you are calling Ms. Mallik as your daughter's mother, between I can't understand the meaning behind that, and also there is in talks in our office that you became a softie after the arrival of Ms. Mallik, and there are lots of Gossips about you two in our office, starting from the daily meets, night stay, lunch box, etc..," Mira said

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