Epilogue - 2

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Crazy readers and Crazy writer - The never ending love saga

I think this would be great title for this chapter. Your love for this story literally makes me to write things like this. Epilogue for Epilogue


One fine Friday night in Simba(L) and Ziddi(QUE) world

"Finally US" saying this, HM fixed their family photo, which they recently took, in the wall

"Finally US" saying this, HM fixed their family photo, which they recently took, in the wall

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"Yeah, Simbhal and Ziddique's family" KS said, while looking at the photo lovingly

"It's Ziddique and Simbhal's family" HM corrected

"I just said" KS said

"Even for just, I want to hear like this only" HM said

KS nodded her head as she knows the importance of ZNM in HM's life, as she is the one, who was with HM, when HM doesn't have anyone in her life

"Ammi, again she spoiled my puzzles" ZNM shouted from living area

"Again, they started" saying this, HM shouted back "Simbhalllllll"

"Not started, always they are doing this, only" saying this, KS shouted back "Ziddiqueeeee"

"Ammi, look at her, how she takes my last few pieces of puzzles, which I am solving and run away from her" ZNM pointed her sister SNM, who is 1.2 years old now

"Oh my baby, spoiled her sister's puzzles" adoring SNM's activity, KS asked SNM lovingly and tried to catch her, who is fastest in the running in their house, now.

"Oh my baby's puzzle got spoiled by her sister" asking this sadly, HM sits beside ZNM, who is occupied half of the living area to solve the puzzle

KS followed SNM, but the Badmazz SNM, threw few pieces of puzzle into Garbage

"Seriously, you are really badmazz. And you know how to spoil your sister's work. No one will believe, if I say that, you are just 1.5 years old " saying this, KS picked SNM and moved towards living area

(Author's note: 1.5 means 1 years approx 6 months)

HM and ZNM looked/glared at them

"She threw that pieces into Garbage, which we can't use again" KS said

ZNM runs towards them angrily and pulled the pacifier from SNM's mouth and she threw that into the same garbage

"Miiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii" SNM cried loudly calling KS, who is just looking all these things, which all happened in fraction of seconds

"Leave that, baby, we will buy new one for you" saying this, KS tried to calm down SNM, who is crying and moved towards their room

"What is this behavior, baby" asking this, HM moved towards ZNM

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