Servant Boy 🍋 💚

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Deku x Reader

You're a Queen, unmarried. Deku is one of your servants.

I literally wrote you as a dominant crazy hoe, I don't know how I even took that turn 😩

He knew it was such a silly idea, but honestly, he wasn't the only one with such fantasies. Every man in the kingdom pined after your attention. Some of the women did too.

You were strict and adamant about not being married, whatsoever. You didn't need a king to steal your throne; your birthright. Three hundred and sixty five days out of the year, you worked relentlessly to make sure your kingdom was happy. No man was going to take credit for all of your hard work.

Deku was tired. The boy he had beat to death really wore him out. In the end, his goal was accomplished. From his pocket, a white card with a gold insignia delicately etched on the corners peeked out from within. Deku snatched the card immediately and ran home.

Once inside his dingy home, sitting down at his dingy makeshift table, he read the letter.

Dear citizen, it is my pleasure as the Queen to employ you as a faithful servant to the kingdom. Payment will be delivered to you weekly. I expect to see you next Monday, in my chambers. You will be in charge of organizing my wardrobe for the following days to come. Do not disappoint me.

At the bottom was the Queen's signature; Y/N L/N.

His heart bloomed with joy, he was going to see the Queen in person! This was fate, the stars were finally shining upon him. Although, he was a bit disappointed how the day he started was a week away. Today was Monday. Oh well.


Deku browsed the market. Venders were everywhere, selling everything. He needed more fruits, spices, and vegetables. His lowly salary as a shoe polisher only made him so much.

He found the stand selling what he needed, and promptly filled his basket. Next to him were a group of taller men; all intimidating. They each had a petit woman hanging off of their arm.


You were nothing of the sort. So graceful, so merciful, so delicate. You were the star that shined above all. These working girls could never compare to you.

His annoyance was building. He needed to look away.

Deku turned his attention back to the merchandise on the stands. He then began a conversation with the salesperson about negotiating the price.

"Ah...I can sell these apples to you for two gold a piece." Deku was pleased with the low price, and happily paid for the rest of his items. His basket was full, therefore his belly would be full. Today was a good day, unlike most other days.

As he was walking away, his ears perked up at the sudden mention of you.

"You know, the Queen isn't necessarily something pretty to look at." One of the men said.

They all laughed in unison, and Deku ground his teeth.

"Yes...I hear she likes to play with her servant wonder she'll never take a husband, she's not pure!" One of the women added.

No, you wouldn't do that. Would you?

Deku turned right back around, and sneaked one of the chili peppers out of his basket. While they were all laughing, he aimed the pepper above the first man's eyes and squeezed.

Red liquid spewed out, and landed in the thug's eye. He started to scream for water, and held a hand over his eye. While everyone was distracted, Deku quickly left.

MHA M!Yandere x Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now