Neon Lights 🍋 🧡

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I'm starting to run out of ideas and it takes inspiration from already existing chapters or real life for me to come up with something. If anyone wants a specific scenario, I will GLADLY write it. Requests are open and will always be open.

(Vampire) Bakugou x Reader
(No quirks)
Kinky stuff incoming 😩

Over the centuries, Tokyo had developed into the brightest city ever built. Everywhere you went, there were artificial lights that covered every dark alleyway. They were funded by the government for a very specific reason:


It's believed that the strain of virus evolved, and was passed from bats. It kept spreading and spreading, and over the course of two centuries, a good one third of the entire earth population was infected.

To combat the spread, highly toxic lights were made and placed in every crook to be found. Vampires didn't necessarily die from the sun or artificial light, but it was extremely uncomfortable and could lead to eventual death due to skin cancer.

A band of people were assembled to hunt down the bloodsuckers. They are called Hunters; people who take an oath of honor to carry out their duty. These people protect the city, and venture into the darkest places with a crossbow ready in hand.

You were one of them. Your parents before you were Hunters, as were your grandparents and so on. It was a family tradition at this point. Even your siblings and cousins were Hunters.

The formal attire of a Hunter was a dark feet length trench-coat, and a hat that obscured your face. Hunters preferred to remain ominous, because it gave in to the belief that they were unstoppable; a force to be reckoned with.

Tonight, it was your duty to patrol the local night clubs. Vampires had been finding a way past the city lights, and were infiltrating human spaces. The beasts would take their victim, and slip into the night. Their corpse would be found the next morning; drained of blood and life.

The nightclub you had entered emitted deafening music. Women and men danced with barely any clothes, and the furniture was stained with god knows what.

An anonymous tip told you that a certain notorious vampire was seen snooping around this club. You brandished a dagger in your waistband if anything went awry.

There were doors towards the back where couples could fool around, and many of the rooms were locked. Your eyes narrowed noticing a thin trail of blood lead to the last door. Inspecting the door knob, there was a hand print made with blood.

You feared you were too late to save this poor soul. Whipping the door open, your face dropped.

The room was lavishly decorated. Neon pink lights covered every corner, giving a sensual atmosphere. At the back of the wall, on the bed, were three corpses. All of them were female strippers. Their faces expressed fear, but they were already dead. The women's last moments weren't beautiful.

You tensed hearing the door click and lock behind you.

"My my, did you come just for me? How stupid of you." You were pushed onto your stomach, but still held a tight grip on the dagger in your waistband.

Sharp nails were pressed firmly against your exposed neck, and you winced feeling the blood bubble from the broken skin. From behind, he brought the blood to his lips and tasted.

The firm grasp he had on your neck returned, but with more force. You were abruptly lifted into the air, and slammed against the wall. The force of your assault made a few cracks in the wall.

The vampire in front of you was roughly your age, 18. His eyes were such a bright crimson, that it made your eyes water. Your own blood painted his canines red.

MHA M!Yandere x Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now