Sickeningly Sweet ❤️

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Todoroki x Reader (3rd POV)


Everything was falling apart.

Why was she starting to turn away? Was he not good enough? Did his quirk frighten her? Shoto couldn't truly tell.

It was another day, like always. He was visiting his mother, and bringing her comfort when no one else would. She was always so quiet, so withdrawn from the outside world. His mother had stopped speaking some time ago. These days, he simply gave her company for a few hours and would then leave.

Y/N would plague his mind like a sickness. Every single waking moment, her face would float before his eyes. Shoto has tried taking certain medication to suppress the urges, but alas, nothing worked. He started to hear her voice inside his head, telling him sweet nothings.

In real life, she barely knew him apart from being his classmate. His eyes would stay glued to her back whenever she wasn't looking. Shoto's hands itched to touch her anywhere.

Things had been taking a turn for the better. He had finally mustered up the balls to say hello, and from there, it took off. The both of them would start to chit chat more frequently, and it warmed him to the core. To Shoto, these interactions were treasures. To Y/N, they were nothing more than simple occurrences that weren't unique.

She's just playing hard to get...

Inside her locker, he'd slip in certain notes that contained lovesick poems and sloppy colored hearts. Shoto would watch from afar, gauging Y/N's reaction to every single letter.

Her looks of bewilderment and disgust temporarily wounded him, but he summed it up to being an understandable reaction. Shoto would continue with putting letters in Y/N's locker everyday, but then was caught.

Shoto watched the note fall inside, and turned around. His heart leaped seeing her standing there with a shocked expression.

"You...?" She questioned.

Shoto couldn't say anything.

Y/N ripped open her locker, and tore the note to pieces. Shoto was left hurt when she walked away without sparing a glance. Why didn't she like his letters? He put so much effort into them.

She didn't want to really associate with anyone from the Todoroki family. Rumors of the eldest son circulated around, and she knew that the entire family was somewhat messed up. Y/N didn't know the details, and didn't care about them. Sure, Shoto was handsome, but she didn't want to become tangled in his way of life.

That day had ended, and it was time to go home. Y/N packed her belongings, and set off. Unbeknownst to her, a certain boy followed her trail. He stayed a considerable distance behind, and stopped upon seeing her enter her home.

This wasn't his fault. Truly, there was no one to blame. Shoto couldn't control his desires or thoughts. They were spiraling out of control, it was becoming too much to handle. If he were to not suppress the urges, then he might—

He'd forgotten that he was standing in front of Y/N's house. It was nighttime, and the only light that remained was inside her bedroom. Her curtains obstructed anyone who tried peeking inside.

His skin became hot. Shoto shouldn't be here. He needed to leave, or else he'd regret his actions in the morning.


Y/N's front door was locked, so Shoto opted for the kitchen window instead. It was thankfully unlocked, and he hopped inside. His feet made no sound as he landed on the floor.

The countertops weren't pristine clean, but he expected that. His family always had a maid who came over on the weekends to clean, and then leave. Shoto knew that Y/N lived modestly; he wouldn't judge.

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