3: Watering

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    On the third day of their wedding, Mi still failed to climb onto the marriage bed.

    After the elders of the Li family left, the female came to the male's feet on time at night in accordance with the provisions of the marriage law, knelt down and waited for the male to decide where to do things tonight. It doesn't have to be on the bed, that kind of luxurious and majestic marriage bed, generally female servants are not allowed to lie down at will, unless they are favored by the hero, they can be eligible to enjoy it, instead of being slapped on the floor or on the table. use.

    Mi kept the same posture until midnight, his calf was numb, his muscles were stiff, and he couldn't wait for a word from the male insect. The other party seemed to ignore him as a female servant, except for the almost solidified disgust that occasionally crossed the back, there was no other gaze lingering.

    After a while, the male seemed to be ready to fall asleep. Tonight is the third day of the seven-day marriage. Mi moved his knees calmly, kneeling and crawled to the edge of the marriage bed. Seeing that the male above was indifferent, even a His eyes were stingy, he thought of the advice of the elders of the Li family before leaving, he couldn't help smiling bitterly in his heart, raised his body slightly, and slowly crawled towards the bed.

    The neck was grabbed severely in the next second.

    "Tell you to get out, don't you understand?" The hoarse voice was full of obvious anger. The male insects were not strong, but any female insects could not resist in front of their male masters. What he did was raise his neck and relax all his muscles, so that the claws of the male insect would leave bruises or even bloodstains on his neck.

    If the male insect has sharp nails, perhaps a hole in his artery has been pierced without hesitation at this time, Mi can't help thinking to himself, his hands are hanging down obediently, and his legs are slightly separated. Educational begging for mercy.   

      If the male is interested, he will play with the situation at this time and then punish him. If he is unintentional, at least he can calm his anger a little. Males always like to be shown weakness.    

      Mi brewed the words of pleading, he is a soldier, he has lived in the army for a long time, bowing his head and surrendering is the least skill, so he was a little slow before he adjusted his tone, before he opened his mouth, he was suddenly called by the male worm and kicked to the ground, he dragged it all the way to the bathroom.

    Immediately afterwards, the powerful water flow directly washed Mi's body with cold air, and the two places on his chest were irritated with pain, and his muscles tensed up. He lowered his head and accepted the sudden punishment from the hero without moving. The cold water was poured lightly, and Mi's eyes were closed tightly, allowing the ice water to pour from head to toe.

    "How, is that enough?" Li Qing looked at the female worm condescendingly, and said coldly, the jet of water from the disheveled head in his hand aimed at a certain part on purpose.

    Mi's pupils shrank slightly, his whole body shook, his hands were behind his back, clenched into fists, his abdominal muscles were protruding, but his tone was as calm as ever, he said calmly, "Thank you for your kindness." Mi heard the man seem to be

    scolding He said something, and then directly smashed his unkempt head on his shoulder, turned around and left the bathroom, listening to the sound, it seemed that he continued to go to bed to catch up on sleep.

    In the bathroom, the water was still spraying continuously, and there were small objects that were knocked upside down by the water flow just now. The floor was also covered with a layer of water, which hadn't been drained yet. Mi got up and turned on the head switch, stopped the water, found a clean rag from the locker in the bathroom, and began to clean up the messy bathroom seriously.

    He turned his head inadvertently, and saw himself in the mirror, without clothes, with bruises on his shoulders and neck, but for females, this small injury can heal within one night, Mi looked down and was just caught by the male. Where the worm disliked, the corners of his lips curled up in self-deprecation, and there was no warmth in his eyes.

    Li Qing on the marriage bed on the big red turned over, he really didn't like the female who tried to seduce him.

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