29: Seal

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 "But your memory..."

 Mi found that the emotions expressed by Li Ren, like Gan, were too excited, and there was a hint of panic. Then I heard the hero say in a low voice, "I haven't remembered it yet, but I've been watching you for a long time, so it's hard to say..."

 "Well, it's a pity, after all, it's always good to remember, it doesn't matter, the future will last forever." Gan quickly turned to Li Ren winked and showed a somewhat helpless expression, "We will definitely visit more in the future, and I will leave it with you today... I won't delay the conversation between you two brothers. It must be two years later. Confided a lot of things in my heart."

 The topic turned too bluntly, and Li Ren and Gan's faces when they left at the end were not very good-looking.

 Mi felt that the male worm seemed to say more than usual. Didn't he disdain dealing with the so-called "hostile races"?

 Rong raised his eyes and looked at the brother who seemed to be a little strange. The disgust in the other party's eyes was not concealed at all. The power depends on... or the vassal who supplies the order.

 Mi saw that the male lord did not make arrangements, so he went to the master bedroom with the closed door and begged for a while, and then tidied up a guest room in the silence of the male worm. Although the other party had recovered from his injuries, But it was trauma after all, and the body that had been tortured by various methods, even if it was as strong as a female insect, could not withstand too much torture at this time. If the male lord gets angry in the future and wants to punish him for making his own decisions, just accept it.

 He has a lot of debts, and he has already eaten a lot of canned food.

 Rong saw the behavior of the younger brother's female servant, and was moved, "Thank you." He was ready to sleep in the open air, and there seemed to be a piece of land vacated in the yard.

 "...No need." Mi stretched out his hand, shook hands with the older female, and said with a smile, "I used to be in the academy, and I have admired your name for a long time."

 "Just call me Rong." After the female was stunned for a moment, she subconsciously smiled at Mi. He had forgotten how long he hadn't smiled, and his face was a little stiff. It would definitely make the other party feel strange and intolerable. She let go of her hands embarrassedly, restrained the unnatural smile on her face, "Sorry, I'm not used to it yet

 ." Thinking about it for a moment, it is indeed easier than other unfavored female servants. Although fifty steps are laughable, it is always better not to be sent out as a plaything. "The hero doesn't like to talk. If nothing happens, Try not to disturb his rest."

 After thinking for a while, Mi still told Rong this little trick, although the character of this male worm is not as crazy as in the legend, but the attitude of indifference and disgust is very obvious, often appearing Now that there is a sense of presence in front of the other party, it will arouse even greater hatred.

 The two females had a private discussion about how to survive in this villa, and Mi had some ideas about it, such as how to get canned food so as not to starve to death, and Rong can also survive those two years. not easy.

 When the night was getting dark, Mi knocked on the door of the hero's room. He recommended himself as a pillow mat in the past, hoping to be favored. The female knelt in front of the master bedroom door, counting the time silently. Open the mouth, the female attendant should return to her room, this is a universal rule, but the length of waiting time is different in each villa.

 And those males with many female attendants would kneel in a long row in front of the bedroom every night, waiting to be called, and those who were not named would have to kneel until the male master's enjoyment was over, to see if they wanted to change another batch.

 Mi chose 20 minutes because once, after he knelt for 20 minutes, the male insect seemed to have something to go down to the living room to pick up the fallen items. When he looked up and saw him kneeling, he said coldly, "Get lost.

 " Then he rolled back to his room with a low eyebrow and pleasing to the eye, and since then he knew how long to kneel instead of kneeling every night.

 Unexpectedly, this time, Mi heard the voice of the hero saying "come in" in a deep voice, he once thought it was an auditory hallucination!

 Feeling a little uneasy, she opened the unlocked door and walked into the master bedroom. The female obediently came to the male, feeling a little puzzled. After three times, would the male still be able to eat him? That palpable distaste didn't seem like a fake.

 "Do you recognize this badge pattern?" Li Qing played with the contract in his hand, the bright red seal was very conspicuous.

 Mi followed the male's fingers, looked down the treaty, and said in a low voice, "This is the emblem of the army led by the Sun family branch, and it is also used as a seal." "...I didn't see it in the library reference room.

 " But, is it hard to search?" The male worm seemed to ask casually.

 Mi knows that this male worm often goes to the library. I don’t know if it’s the other zerg’s saying that reading more books can alleviate the disease of leaving the soul, or the male lord himself has this hobby. Chong couldn't help thinking to himself, could it be that he felt that the storage of knowledge was despised, so he specially asked him to come over and ask, "The troops led by the Sun family's side branch are private soldiers, and they rarely appear on the regular battlefield. The door handles chores and privacy, so the badge doesn't leak out."

 Not out?

 I see!

 In the past two years, he has read so many books and searched for countless information, but he has no clue... Finally, he saw some clues.

 Li Qing looked at Mi with a half-smile, his eyes narrowed slightly, and there was an imperceptible gleam in his eyes. He put the treaty aside, and the hoarse and disgusted voice sounded, "Tell me, you I know about the offshoots of the Sun family."

 Mi's heart tightened, could it be that Xiong is going to marry Rong over... Males do have the right to decide the marriage of female elder brothers, especially when Rong has no military power at this time, he I can't see what this male worm is thinking, but there are precedents for patients with dementia disease who sometimes have convulsions and sometimes are normal. Mi did not hide anything, and truthfully told all the information he knew.

 As a top wealthy family, the Sun family's offshoots should not be underestimated, but they are definitely not as powerful as the direct line, so there are not many opportunities to show their faces in the military and government, and they are more engaged in business, responsible for interstellar trade.

 The female worm's understanding is also limited. After all, he is not in this line of work, so he can only briefly describe the basic information and main achievements of the offshoots of the Sun family, and also named a few offshoot Zergs.

 Li Qing didn't know any of them, but it didn't prevent him from carefully writing down the names of these Zergs. He turned his head slightly and glanced at the treaty on the table. What a familiar emblem and seal. Li Qing firmly remembered that this was the pattern of the military flag of the Zerg enemy army who invaded the earth at that time!

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