20: Victory

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Gan on the side watched helplessly, and stood still for a while, before realizing that his male worm was knocked unconscious by Zhao Ri! His head was knocked on the ground and bleeding came out. On the contrary, Zhao Ri had a meat pad and did not pass out at this time. Gan hurriedly rushed to help Li Ren, but was rudely pushed away by the Zerg of the Zhao family who rushed over immediately.

 After a while, Zhao Ri was sent to the accompanying doctor, and Li Ren was thrown on the ground to continue to bleed. Qing Zhanzhan reminded that it was really abominable. A male worm who was close to Zhao Ri deliberately stepped on Li Ren's chest heavily while everyone was not seeing him.

 "The hero!" Gan rushed over, seeing that his male worm was already unconscious, and other members of the Li family had just come slowly. He couldn't help but look coldly at Li Qing who was still standing there, with resentment in his eyes, and the other party clearly It was on purpose!

 "You guys need to give an explanation!" The coveted older male from the Zhao family was full of indignation at this moment. He pointed to the three males from the Zhao family who were still lying down, and then raised his hand in the direction where Li Qing was. jaw.

 "What explanation are we going to give? The weak admit defeat!" An elderly male from the Li family stood up with his hands behind his back. Frustrating the Zhao family, which is also a wealthy family, will definitely not let go of the opportunity, he Shi Shiran said, "Since the victory and defeat have been decided, let him return to our family and have nothing to do with the Zhao family from now on!

 " Chong argued for a few more words, and seemed a bit unwilling, but although the Li family turned a blind eye to the dispute that just happened, they don't mind standing up for justice now... It seems that the male Chong showed his hand, after all, he still added to himself. A lot of capital! There was really no benefit to procrastinating here, and he felt sad that he would definitely be blamed by the superiors when he went back. He flicked his sleeves and summoned the guests from the Zhao family, and carried the three injured males back to continue treatment.

 Rong couldn't believe that Li Qing was able to win, and he won so beautifully! He wanted to see how his younger brother was injured, but when he raised his eyes, he received a look without any emotion. The male worm gave him a faint look, and then walked away without any further mention of taking him in, nor Pay attention to the Zhao family's denunciation.

 For a while, no one dared to stop!

 This news was only kept secret for one night, and it swept across the entire Zerg Empire like a hurricane. Enmity and disputes between rich and powerful families are not uncommon in the eyes of the masses, and related reports can always be seen from time to time, but this time the protagonist actually Is it the famous neurotic? !

 With one against three, is it more than capable?

 Guarding compatriots, deep friendship?

 Was it rumored that Li Qing, who was delirious and denied his relatives, was a split personality? !

 In the living room of the villa, Mi browsed through the news, ten lines at a glance, but he had remembered all of them. He was silent for a moment. Was the wound on the face of the male worm last night caused by that fight? There is still a slight foreign body feeling inside, presumably there is too much liquid and it has not been absorbed... The hero came back and wanted him, was it influenced by his brother?

 The female couldn't help smiling wryly, but the male usually looked at him with disgust, and afterwards...it didn't change.

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