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    The parent star of the Zerg origin is located in a huge galaxy. With the continuous development over time, in addition to the most primitive home star, the Zerg also has many immigrant planets. At the same time, they joined the Star Alliance, referred to as Star Alliance, and became one of the core members. First, vigorously develop science and technology and the economy. The more fertile the place, the more it can attract the covetousness of other creatures. Even if it is as powerful as the Zerg, it was harassed by many parties before the title of fighting race became famous.

    This has led to the fact that most of the main combat troops of the Zerg army are strictly disciplined, experienced in many battles, and have outstanding strength. Newly recruited younger generations will also be strictly taught, assessed every month, and ready to fight at any time. Where there are interests, there are disputes. The Zerg are not afraid of provocations from any race, but they also need to prevent problems before they happen.

    After Su retired from the battlefield to rest for a period of time, he received a new transfer order in a secret way.

    He looked at the letter of appointment in his hand, the content was concise and clear: as a vacation at home, continue to perform the previous 0-level tasks, and assist Mi to achieve his goals... Most of the tasks in the legion are divided into first, second, and third levels. Normally level one missions are the highest requirement, while special level missions basically only appear when the battle situation is in crisis. It is the first time he has participated in the legendary level 0 task.

    He didn't expect that even if General Mi was forcibly married back by the wealthy Li family and used as a tool for the treatment of the male worm with the soul-leaving disease, he would still be able to continue to perform the task? ! Sure enough, the head of the Fourth Army did not give up Lieutenant General Mi! With joy in his heart, he quietly destroyed this letter of appointment, and there is no need to keep it. The 0-level missions they received, even if they have taken complete confidentiality measures, are still recorded in the military system. This is also to prevent superiors from deliberately deceiving subordinates to become cannon fodder, and in the end they die inexplicably. No gold.

    And the lieutenant general will definitely receive the same message!

    Mi stood in the bathroom, looking at a piece of paper that was caught in the gap of the window at some unknown time, as if it was blown by the wind, it happened to land on the window sill, such an accurate calculation of wind force is extraordinary, and it spread out slowly After getting some warm water at exactly 55 degrees, the bright red legion commander's stamp on it gradually appeared.

      This letter of appointment is to give him the right to perform 0-level missions in the honor of the Fourth Legion. Received a paper transfer, left the military...and was hung on the household registration book of a strange male.

    All ambitions have become a joke, no matter how tough a warrior is, he has to open his legs to the strange male. A bitter smile appeared on the corner of Mi's lips, but his eyebrows and eyes were extremely deep. He rubbed the paper with his fingers, rubbed It formed a small ball, crushed it directly and washed it into the sewer, then straightened up and continued to rinse the bathroom, cleaned the floor and walls, and after it was spotless, wiped the window brightly. Looking out from the colorless glass, you can just see The tip of another villa, and that angle is the most suitable for playing flying paper.

    Commander of the Fourth Army, what does this mean? !

    There was an imperceptible cold light in Mi's eyes, but when there was a sound at the door below, he immediately wiped off the water droplets on his body, quickly came to the living room, knelt down on the ground to welcome his hero, bowed his body down, His forehead almost touched the ground, "You're back."

     " ..."

    Unexpectedly, Mi didn't hear the answer, and Mi felt the other party walk past him. The sound of pant legs rubbing and slippers slipping lazily suggested that this male Chong was a little tired today, he couldn't help raising his head, and wanted to follow the rules to care about the other party's physical condition, but suddenly froze on the spot...

      Li Qing's mask was hanging on his face in tatters, and the gems on it were about to be destroyed. It was gone, and the corners of the exposed lips were obviously bruised, and there seemed to be a few tiny traces of blood on the chin.

    Who would harm a male? It's still a sick one... Mi thought of several possibilities for a moment, the one that Li's elders talked about most was that when he was out, this male worm liked to provoke those opponents who seemed very powerful, so Always learn a lesson!

    "You need treatment." Mi saw that the male insect seemed indifferent, so he lowered his body again, and after saluting, he was about to get up to get the medicine box.

    As a result, the head could not be raised.

    The male put a foot on his shoulder.

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