31: Together

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A week later, Li Qing was notified to be transferred to the Second Army Corps, and before officially taking up his post, he had to go to the Imperial Military Academy for tuition and training for a period of time, and he could only be officially accepted by the Army Corps after passing the assessment.

 The female moved to the dormitory of the military academy, and before leaving, she looked at her younger brother reluctantly, wanting to speak but then stopped.

 The male worm cast an impatient look, and his thin lips pursed slightly.

 Rong only dared to stop the male worm who was about to go upstairs a little bit, and when he saw this, he immediately got out of the way, looked at the passing figure of the other party, calmed down, and persuaded him, this is what a brother should remind The thing is, "The first three months after the wedding are the easiest to get eggs, so you have to hurry up." The last time the female waiter was not released until early in the morning, it shows that their relationship is harmonious and it is the time of deep love.

 I don't know if it's an illusion, but Rong felt that when his voice just fell, the male's pace seemed to stagger, but it passed in the blink of an eye, and the straight back of the other party seemed to have never wavered, which made him doubt whether it was an illusion .

 When Mi came back at night, he found that the male insect's sight seemed to occasionally fall on his... abdomen?

 Females in the military rarely worry about their figure, and their strong abdominal muscles are evenly distributed. He secretly looked at what he was wearing today, and there was nothing disrespectful. It's just an illusion, and the power is a little unclear.

 But since the male is interested in this, even if it is hidden, he must serve it well.

 Take off the clothes, kneel on the ground, and put on a posture to let the other party look at it better. This is an essential skill for every female attendant. No matter how tired or tired, the first thing to do is to meet the male's requirements when you return home. priority.

 Mi did not close his eyes, and clearly saw the cold gaze of the hero, with a bit of disdain on the corners of his lips, he stretched his limbs as far as possible, and looked at the ceiling expressionlessly.

 Li Qing withdrew his gaze from the flat belly of the undressed female, turned and left without hesitation.

 Mi, who has been stripped naked and hasn't attracted the male, but is disgusted by him, has become accustomed to this. He closes his clothes, eats today's dinner, and routinely reports to the male about his recent work. Sometimes the male will take the initiative in these things Excuse me, sometimes Mi doesn’t mind saying it in advance, for example, an invitation to a legion’s internal dinner party...

 the place is in the Imperial Hotel not far from the villa area, and the Third Legion has done a good job because of a recent hard-to-get-hands thing, and got After receiving the imperial reward, Legion Chief Han specially used the part of the empire's extra funds to entertain the heroes. Because the number of participating legion members was large, it was set up as a buffet. You can eat as much as you want in the Imperial Hotel , The cost is naturally expensive.

 It is allowed to bring family members, or be carried by family members.

 "In addition to many colleagues from the Third Army Corps, there are also some guests from wealthy families, including the offshoot of the Sun family." Mi deliberately added the last sentence, "The leader of the Sun Yi Army rarely participates in such medium-sized banquets. Let the side branch do the work."

 The female was keenly aware that the male opposite seemed to be a little moved, but when she looked up, she was still so disgusted.

 The hero's dementia has no signs of abating at all. He is still the public enemy of the Zerg and hates all the Zerg. Mi smiles bitterly in his heart. Even if he is raped three times, he doesn't get any good looks. Instead, he has to suffer every night. The unbearable, this is after the female worm is eaten by the male worm, it will continue to want after a period of time, and Mi will grit her teeth every night before falling asleep.

 "Would you like to be invited?" The female was ready to hear the rejection, or be directly ignored.

 The possibility of going is very small, this male can't wait to be out of sight and not bothered by him. As an eyesore, Mi is very self-aware.

 Li Qing doesn't want to participate in any activities related to Zerg, especially the public banquet, but this is an excellent opportunity to observe the offshoot of the Sun family. His current identity is a male insect with a moderate status in Li's family, and he still suffers from For those who are seriously ill, it is not easy to find members of the offshoot of the Sun family. Once they are delivered to your door, you cannot miss them.

 "Let's go together tomorrow night." Four concise words.

 Mi did not expect that Xiongzhu would agree to accompany him. This is an honor that even females may not have. Males have different personalities. Some like to make friends and some don't like to communicate. This male was obviously the latter during his illness.

 After being slightly surprised, he greeted the legion, since an extra male came back, all measures must be taken. Although there are not many male Zergs invited, there are five or six of them. It is a big deal to have one more, especially the one who is not easy to handle. The empire is notoriously mentally ill. The waiter's hobbies, this is all the news I heard from the elders of Li's family, it is very accurate!

 It doesn't matter if it's short and not long-lasting, and it doesn't matter if you drive the female attendant out after the first night of the wedding. Beating up the little son of the Zhao family for the sake of his elder brother will take back a lot of impression points, but he can't stand that crazy man who sees insects and kills insects without mercy!

 On the second day, the high-level females of the Legion gathered together to discuss, and the specifications of the banquet were elevated to a higher level, especially in terms of comfort, which was almost comprehensive, for fear that something inharmonious would cause the male of the Li family to fall ill . The females used the brain cells to write military reports to think hard about whether there was anything missing, rushed to deal with it overnight, and checked the defense facilities several times, absolutely ensuring the safety of the males present.

 As night fell, the banquet was held as scheduled.

 Mi held a glass of drink and handed it to the male who was leaning against the window to enjoy the coolness. He held a fruit plate in the other hand, with a restrained expression and respectful words, "Please use it." The

 male did not even look at him.

 Mi maintained a decent smile, continued to bow slightly, stood aside to serve his hero, he didn't mind, being ignored was better than being stared at in disgust.

 At this moment, Han came over. The head of the Third Army Corps is the organizer of this banquet. He also wants to take this opportunity to let more legion members know about Mi and stabilize Mi's position in the army. The lieutenant general At present, he is his right-hand man, that is, Sun Yi has blind eyes and blind eyes to gold and jade, so he has the opportunity to pick up the leak!

 Thinking of this, Han couldn't help but narrowed his eyes with a smile, but after seeing the male beside Mi, his eyes sank again, but he kept a polite demeanor on his face, and slightly turned towards the male of the Li family. After nodding, he said to the calm and indifferent female standing aside, "It will be your turn to speak on stage later, so make preparations first."

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