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Because of the busy affairs of the military department, those banquets did not last for a few days, but after a two-day rest, Mi bid farewell to the former third legion station, came to the sphere of influence of the first legion, and took the oath of office , then sat in the new office.

The atmosphere of the First Legion was quite different from that of the Third Legion. He glanced at the row of Zerg generals standing in front of him, and the overall aura seemed more forbidding and solemn. This was once the Zhao family's world. Unfortunately, the previous head of the legion did not intend to use his family power to infiltrate the legion. Instead, he went against the law and supported the open election system!

Mi has already given a speech in the square, and now he puts those stereotypes aside, and practically gives the basic instructions to these army generals. It didn't happen, because at the core position of the First Legion, some of the Zerg races were secretly following his subordinates.

The female insect had been busy for three days in a row before finishing some basic handover work left by the previous legion leader. After asking the male lord for instructions, he hadn't returned for three nights. The military department will not give the new legion commander more time to adapt, and the most severe test is to race against time to display value. Here, the Zerg in a higher position is destined to devote more effort than other subordinates to maintain the stability and development of the legion.

There are still two days until the cubs come back. The female worm looked at the schedule and deliberately set aside the pick-up time slot. The fact that the cubs can be picked up by their parents means that they are valued in the family.

Su was also transferred here, he was originally Mi's adjutant, no matter which legion he was in, Su didn't mind, as long as he could serve the lieutenant general. But at this time, looking at the latest secret report in his hand, he hesitated whether to disturb Lieutenant General Mi at this extremely busy time.

"Is something wrong?" came the female insect's calm voice.

Su raised his head quickly, only to find that he was in a trance just now, and Su sighed inwardly, he really didn't want to hand over such information to the lieutenant general through his hands... Mi glanced at the hesitant adjutant, frowned slightly

, There was a little more concern in the tone, "Have you encountered any difficulties?"

Su was a little excited for a moment, he blushed and shook his head, gritted his teeth and handed over the document in his hand, trying to keep his tone as clear and natural as possible, "Report to the regiment commander, here is some information about Li Qing... ..."

Seeing Lieutenant General Mi, Su immediately raised his eyes, looked over severely, and couldn't help explaining immediately, "We have revoked the record of Li Qing's actions. This was discovered by accident when we were collecting information about other army commanders. .”

Although the head of the First Legion is high and powerful, Mi does not have a wealthy background and cannot obtain corresponding information through the high-level family members. Therefore, a lot of information must be gradually collected secretly, so that when things happen in the future , can be used for reference analysis.

In the Zerg Empire, the four major legions are already restrained and mutually beneficial, and the information they possess is the basis for mutual communication and a powerful weapon to deal with emergencies.

Under normal circumstances, this kind of investigation and collection does not involve the installation of monitoring equipment in the other party's residence. It is just to record the traces and actions as much as possible and connect them. After careful consideration After analysis, it is speculated that she will never marry a man with two penises.

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