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In the garrison of the Third Legion, the guards are heavily guarded at this time, and many Zergs are trembling when they walk. Recently, the deputy head of the Legion for a period of time, Lieutenant General Mi, ordered the arrest of a group of Third Legion members today. The core officers, it is said that those are spies from the other three legions? ! With a vigorous and resolute working model and a rigorous and steady style of dealing with things, Mi's position in the legion is constantly rising. He is strong, capable, and loyal to the legion. Leadership that people trust and want to follow.

 Han is very appreciative of this, he is happy to train an excellent senior general for the legion, Mi's current military leader is a lieutenant general, but who will know in the future? It was really a wise decision to establish a good relationship in advance and win this female to the Third Legion! Han thanked them more than once for the absence of a deputy commander in the Third Army, and Mi just applied for it.

 The core members of the third army who were arrested protested one after another. They said that this must be Mi's misjudgment, and they were all framed! However, when the verdict was made public, General Mi presented strong evidence to silence the Zerg, and they could only confess their guilt in order to get a lighter punishment! Mutual-insertion-into-spies, this is a common method among legions. If they are discovered, they will be considered unlucky.

 There is no such thing as turning a blind eye and closing one eye. If you can catch one by one, Han can't wait to clean up all these spies. Legion interests bring harm.

 At the end of the day of interrogation, Mi returned to the office. Just as he took off his military jacket to take a short break, he was told that a distinguished guest was coming, so he put on the general uniform again, and when he buttoned the last button rigorously, Only then did he speak to let the other party in.

 Su Ying nervously brought the male who was following behind him to the office of the deputy army chief. Although this man was very expensive and looked good, he couldn't compare to Li Qing's appearance...but now he Thinking of the male worm of the Li family, I felt uncomfortable.

 Obviously there is a possibility of treatment, even if it is saved, it is destined to be physically deformed, but the reproduction of the Zerg is not easy, and not every cub is perfect. If the female is seriously injured during pregnancy, it will It had a great impact on the egg, and Su Ying felt that Lieutenant General Mi didn't mind if the cub was missing hands or feet, and Lieutenant General would definitely raise it well.

 Every egg has a right to live and a desire to live! This is the voice of all the cubs, including those who were tragically abandoned. The behavior of the male of the Li family is understandable. Many males hate useless offspring, but even the Lieutenant General's pleas are ruthless.

 "Please sit down, tea or water?" Mi raised his eyes to look at the male worm in front of him, and asked lightly.

 "Warm water is fine, thank you." Sun Yi smiled slightly, standing in the office with her hands behind her back in an elegant posture. He was not in a hurry to sit down, but looked around slowly while watching the female pouring water. , After a while, there was a bit of admiration in his words, "It's still the office you arranged, it looks the most comfortable." "It's

 just according to the standard of the military department, it's nothing special." The side of the desk in front of the worm. The other party turned around when he heard the words, smiled as if he didn't mind, and then sat on the chair opposite.

 "Really, maybe it's not a matter of decoration, it just depends on who arranges it." Sun Yi looked at Mi with a natural tone, as if she was telling a very ordinary thing.

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