33: To Please

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Overnight, the news channel completely exploded, and the public's comments maxed out the server, almost paralyzing a small part of Skynet. The anxious action of a male worm triggered a discussion among the zerg about legal awareness and bias!

 Although Sun Yue is not a direct descendant of the Sun family, but because of his good talent and good business skills, he has accumulated a great reputation over the years, and he is also one of the best among males. As a result, at the celebration banquet of the Third Army, Abolished by that male from the Li family? ! Or was the reason because Sun Yue was messing with the male's female attendant, plotting something wrong? !

 No matter how I think about it, I feel that the reaction direction of the male of the Li family seems a bit strange. Although there is no express provision in the laws of the Zerg Empire, most of the time, disputes between the Zerg will always be biased towards the precious male. Over there, this is also a helpless thing. What Li Qing did tonight, some Zergs admired it, and some Zergs didn't understand it, and more Zergs caused contemplation...

 Just as another male insect who was also from the Sun family at the scene was recording a statement Seeing the murderer who threw Sun Yue down the stairs, his calves couldn't help shaking. The matter of accidentally hugging each other, as long as he beat the female servant, how could he attack Sun Yue who is also a male? ? The other party didn't steal his mistress or slander his reputation! It was too cruel.

 The other males who were invited to the celebration banquet were noncommittal. Although they didn't value the female servant very much, they also felt that the behavior of the male from the Li family was full of courage! The Zerg always pursue the strong, and the law of survival of the fittest is fully reflected here, not to mention that Sun Yue really doesn't make sense when it comes to right and wrong.

 The Zerg of the Sun family didn't have time to take care of Li Qing for the time being. They hurriedly circled around the horribly thrown male insect, calling for help while reporting to the family. Soon, Sun Yue was carried onto a plane Luxurious ambulance airship. When he was in a daze, he vaguely heard the accompanying doctor saying to the nurse, "I can't keep my legs, they should be amputated, and it will take a long time for them to grow out." Zerg's recovery ability is extremely strong

 , But that's only if the claw is not broken! The external injury heals easily, and the internal injury is adjusted slowly. Broken legs will not grow back instantly. Even using the best repair fluid during this period will not help.

 To be a crippled male in his youngest and prime? ! It's not that he's limping, he doesn't even have legs at all, and he has to rely entirely on machinery! He is already a waste... Sun Yue moved his mouth with difficulty, but he didn't make any sound, and finally passed out from anger.

 Mi followed Xiongzhu to record a statement.

 Li Qing's status is not ordinary, and various video records can restore the scene at that time, so after being routinely asked about the cause, he let the male worm go back to rest first. But the female servant, who is one of the bugs, will not be treated so well.

 Why did he touch Sun Yue? Have you been in touch before? Is it intentional? Have you drugged the male lord on weekdays... All kinds of questions came in, and the Zerg in charge of interrogation stared at Mi with suspicion, envy and hatred. The luck of this female is really bad explain.

 Obviously, he was dismissed from the position of Lieutenant General and cut off his bright future. A paper contract was given to the Li family as a life adjustment for the mentally ill male. It is said that he was severely beaten and humiliated! As a result, it didn't take long for the other party to return to his post. There was no bloody smell on his body, which meant that he didn't have any scars, and he was defended by the male worm on the spot? !

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