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In Li Ren's villa, two Zergs are accusing each other.

 To be precise, it was Li Ren who was cursing angrily, while Gan was receiving treatment, but at the same time he could only use gestures to express his meaning, let his thoughts and thoughts be expressed through handwriting, the pain was excruciating and he did not pass out, it was really difficult .

 "It's all your fault. You have to ask Mi to come over and set the rules. He is a lieutenant general after all. You, a little captain, can't you be a little self-aware?!" Li Ren was full of anger and took the lead in launching the attack.  Gan waved his hands and feet, and protested angrily, "You didn't stop it at the time , but now it's good, it's

 all my fault?!"

We don't have anything to hold on to, so how will we monitor Li Qing's movements in the future." Li Ren was speechless, knowing that he shouldn't have agreed to his partner's request, and even whipped a whip and knelt on ice, for a military general , It's just a painless injury, at most it's a mental insult.

 But the other party is willing to serve as a female waiter... Is there anything more insulting to a lieutenant general than this? Normally, most females who can climb to this position can find a good male and be accepted by him. Marry back as a female monarch.

 Gan curled his lips. This action was a bit difficult for him at this time. Half of his face was crooked, and it was almost difficult to correct the bones to the same angle as before. There was a bit of disbelief in his eyes, "Who I know what kind of wind is that male worm, to meddle in the affairs of a female attendant, the same thing happened before, the soul-departure disease just hates all relatives and friends, and does something special? I have never heard of such a thing!"

 "Your injury is healed, so go to the First Legion and talk to the young master of the Zhao family. We can be regarded as tied to them now. Isn't it pleasing to the eye? There is an elder from the Li family With assistance, it is much more convenient to do things!" Li Ren looked at his partner and said.

 Gan shook his head, but refused helplessly, "Do you think Zhao Ning is easy to get along with? We might as well go to the commander of Sun Yi's army. The young master of the Zhao family is just the deputy commander of the army, and that Mi is also the deputy commander of the army. How can it be easily crushed between them?"

 "Why do you want to go to Sun Yi... We can climb up to the Sun family? Earlier, we said that we would get Rong to the Sun family's side branch, but it didn't work. How could they give us a good look?!" Li Ren waved Waving his hand, "I don't think it's appropriate. Besides, Sun Yi looks like the kind of duplicity. He feels gentle, polite, courteous, and courteous, but in fact he is very deep in the city." "...You would

 n't Are you jealous of Commander Sun Yi?" Gan squinted at his hero, and said, "Put away your little thoughts, the leader of Sun Yi can make a big promise in the Sun family, is it because of the male worm? Status? Or relying on his good temper and generous personality? You'd better not speak ill of him, once it gets out, even I can't keep you!"

 Li Ren was naturally upset when his partner said this, he was a male, but Faced with Sun Yi's power, Li Ren had to admit that the gap between males and males could be as difficult to bridge as a chasm! Commander Sun Yi is one of the commanders of the four major armies as a male. He can be said to be the idol of most males in the empire.

 To stand shoulder to shoulder with a group of powerful females, many males who have been in the military for a long time can do it, but if you want to stand out from a group of powerful females, you need not only hard work, but also talent.

 "Don't talk about these things, what are we going to do now?" Li Ren sighed and said anxiously, "If Mi tells Li Qing the content of the contract, will he have a grudge against us because of it? It will be difficult to accept the inheritance smoothly..." But the male worm can stipulate the distribution of the inheritance before death, for example, except for the rebellious things of their two elders, Li Ren thinks that the mad male worm will do it well come out.

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