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Su Ying discovered that Lieutenant General Mi's attitude was very wrong during this period of time.

 This point started after talking to the male bug who defected to the enemy camp last time. When he first heard the bad news, the lieutenant general who was abandoned by the hero only had a cold expression, but he couldn't see the slightest depression in his eyes on the bright side.

 And after the call with his subordinates was screened out...

 Mi Zhong will occasionally ask them some unbelievable questions, which have nothing to do with the male worm, and most of them are relatively common inquiries about criminal psychology. Who has strong disgust in his eyes, but has never made a move. What does it mean?

 Who is ridiculed in a tone of sarcasm, but does not insult relatives and friends involved, and makes reconciliation?

 For another example, after touching a hand, who still thinks about the feel of the hand, is it a chuckle of displeasure, or a veiled praise?

 Su Ying recalled what she had learned, and said earnestly, "If these appearances are not acting, but from the heart, then he must be a very bottom line." The lieutenant general listened very attentively, which made Su Ying

 explain Working harder, he analyzed these three questions from different perspectives of psychology, and gave his own answer. Perhaps General Mi is using these trivial cases to deduce the enemy's tactics?

 Su Ying didn't dare to take this lightly.

 After a long silence, he still couldn't help but look at it quietly. The lieutenant general raised his slender fingers with a calm face, stamped a military badge on a document, handed it over, and said, "Send a message to the empire immediately, this is Our latest battle situation and the upcoming countermeasures."

 "Yes!" Su Ying gave a military salute and exited the door respectfully. This is not the first time he has picked up such a topic. Recently, Lieutenant General Mi seems to be more concerned about this type of analysis case. He casually mentioned it and did not show any dissatisfaction with the answer. This is a good thing!

 In the command room, Mi's hand that was writing to review the documents stopped, his eyes narrowed slightly, as if recalling what Su Ying said, and then he murmured to himself, "He really has a bottom line."

 Looking at the paper pierced by the tip of the pen, the female insect couldn't help but think of the male insect's writing, which was composed of iron and silver hooks, calm and introverted. Mi put down the pen and paper in his hand, exhaled lightly, stood up, and walked to the observation deck with his hands behind his back. The starry sky on the earth is very beautiful, which is different from the one on the empire. The bright Milky Way has a primitive and pure ecological atmosphere. , at least not always with various airships passing by.

 She lowered her slightly upturned neck, looked straight at the pitch-black void in the distance, and with the excellent eyesight of the female, she was able to capture some distant light spots in such a starry night, which is extremely impressive. Faint, like an illusion, but Mi seems to be able to see his hero.

 In one of the largest bases on earth, human beings and the Tianjia tribe drink and have fun together, toasting to invite discussions and chatting with each other. It is a harmonious and friendly scene. Those Zerg traitors are very difficult to integrate into. No matter how sweet the words are, they are also Zergs. They once invaded the earth and almost destroyed all civilizations. Everywhere they pass is an enemy army full of desolate ruins. It is not so easy for human beings Forget about hating nations.

 Some things cannot be forgotten, but should always be kept in mind to show vigilance!

 Holding the wine glass in his hand, Zhao Ning catered to some high-level human beings and the leaders of the Tianjia clan with a smile on his face. He is a Zerg, and he is also a precious male. An existence that attracts everyone's attention!

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