4: Cunning

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    On the fourth day of their wedding, Mi was already dizzy and dizzy from hunger.

    During the newly-married period, female servants who have not been favored by the male lord are not eligible to eat. The ingredients in the villa are all available, and they are all placed in the freezer and stored properly. When the males are hungry, they can tell the females to do it. But without the order of the male worm, the female servants are not eligible to use any items in the villa, which is completely different from the female monarch who is being married by the Ming media.

    And Li Qing has been eating canned food for the past few days.

    He didn't like the food coming out of the worm's claws, and he didn't want to see the female worm that had just taken off her military uniform not long ago. The nutritional content in the can is very high.

       Although the taste is average, Li Qing is not picky. He sat at the dining table, picked up the latest newspaper, and glanced at today's headline "Conjectures about the Abandoned Power", most of which were experts evaluating the female insect's physical structure and use skills ... Once off the battlefield, a female who does not belong to the military has such a low status that can be judged by others at will.

    Even if it used to be powerful and famous on the battlefield, it is now just a female attendant under Li Jiaxiong, not even the Zhengjun. Or the sub-female salutes to show respect.

    Because the number of males is scarce, the battle between females is quite fierce. Those female servants or servants who are not selected as the rightful king and who lose in the competition for the favor of the male lord have to bend their backs and bow their knees, so as not to cause trouble. Come the hero's further dislike and loathing. 

     Li Qing glanced at the female who was kneeling in the yard early in the morning, her back was straight and motionless, the red robe was still on her body, the corners were already stained, but the female was still carefully closing the hem OK, so you don't break it. It is said that after a female worm is married in, all her wealth belongs to the married male worm, and the wedding dress on her body is the only private property of the female worm.   

      The premise is that the robe was not torn by the males on the wedding night.    

      Li Qing finished today's canned breakfast, browsed through the newspaper in his hand, squinted his eyes and leaned back on the soft chair, thinking to himself, what can a male insect diagnosed as a neuropathy do?

    He threw all the cans on the table into the garbage bag, got up and went upstairs, and changed into a casual clothes for going out. With the low-key dark coat, the fancy mask inlaid with crystals on his face, and the voice that came from a machine that changed his voice as soon as he opened his mouth, Li Qing looked in the mirror and thought, this seems to be more like a psychopath.

    Newly-married males like to show off their luxurious masks and specially-made voices. There is nothing wrong with it. As long as the males on their bodies have obvious characteristics, they will not be stopped halfway to investigate their identities. Many law enforcement officers keep males at a respectful distance. If they accidentally bump into a noble male, they will be sent to the punishment room. Without further ado, they will be pumped violently. Only then will the female be allowed to stand up and explain or apologize.

    Li Qing took his belongings, and when he went out, he glanced at the female who was kneeling on the ground and bowed to him, and walked straight out of the yard.

    "Master." Mi's voice was a little hoarse, because there was no food and water, his throat was on fire, and his abdomen was already throbbing with cramps. But the female attendant must not show any indecentness in front of the male lord. Hearing the sound of approaching footsteps, Mi bowed her head and lowered her eyebrows, and said in a low voice, "Please go slowly."

     As expected, there was no response .

    The sound of footsteps passed by without a pause, and gradually moved away until they disappeared outside the yard. Only then did Mi Fang raise his head and look at the quiet villa and the empty front yard. He moved slightly and his legs started to cramp. Was he going to be hungry for another day?

    Perhaps it will be the first female paternity to be starved to death during a wedding.

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