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 Li Qing's awakening is a great surprise for both the Zerg Empire and the humans on Earth. Because of the existence of this male, it can be said that the relationship between the two races has been reconciled to a large extent. When encountering a strange species for the first time, it is inevitable that people will have a strong sense of defense and vigilance, and want to achieve harmony. The step of harmony often requires years of hard work.

 The appearance of Li Qing has made this difficult process easier. Many Zergs have already initiated fundraising to help rebuild the earth. Members, come to the empire to study.

 The empire is not an obligatory aid. They have formed a friendly economic and trade relationship with the earth, realizing mutual benefit across races. Minerals, energy, and handicrafts, each planet has its own characteristics, and the Zerg did not look down on this backward planet. On the contrary, from the indomitable resilience of each other, they watched the future glory!

 That afternoon, when Dan came back from the academy, he learned that the male father had woken up. He hurried into the master bedroom, and before he even had time to salute, he saw the adult male who was half lying on the bed and had been checked by the doctor. Immediately, the eye sockets turned red.

 Dan saw Father Xiong beckoning to him.

 The cub walked over step by step, tiptoeing, afraid that this was a phantom that would drift away with a slight disturbance, until he was hugged by the strong arm of the adult male, feeling the familiar and gentle breath, Dan just I am sure that Father Xiong is really alive!

 The doctor who came to the door was amazed at this. It is very difficult to restore the soul. This is the first time in the history of medicine, because it does not have much impact on the body, and this Li family male worm does not need to be hospitalized and undergo long-term examinations. Just make sure that the spirit is not fluctuated.

 He asked the general carefully if he had done any special things at home. He could record the method and provide it as a reference for patients who may have the same symptoms in the future. It can be regarded as a successful precedent.

 Unexpectedly, Mi kept silent about this, but only promised to record the things he had done in a book, so that those who really have relatives and friends who have the same symptoms, after review and approval, can review it.

 The Imperial Hospital expressed its understanding, and at the same time asked the doctor to come to check on time, and told the female worms to pay attention to the eating habits of the male worms. After sleeping for a year, even if there is no physical damage, the cell activity must be slowly reawakened. This process is destined to be slow and slightly painful. The state of suspended animation is like being frozen for a long time. The stimulation brought by thawing again is unimaginable to Chang Chong!

 Mi kept the doctor's advice in mind, but the male didn't let him into the kitchen tonight.

 After Li Qing woke up, it took him some time to get his hands and feet back to normal. Although he felt dizzy occasionally, it quickly disappeared without a trace. After continuous training, his body's aptitude improved by evolution was fully stimulated. When he came out, he was able to walk freely on the ground, but he saw that when the female insect opened the locker, she staggered and almost knocked against the sharp edge of the locker.

 The overdrawn physical strength of the female worm in the past year has obviously caused a certain burden on the body.

 Li Qing took the ingredients from the locker and signaled the female to rest in the living room for a while.

 The other party was shocked, and persistently stood where he was, trying to cancel this decision.

 Li Qing had no choice but to give an order in a low voice.

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