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 Lying quietly on the bed, Mi thought that the "fine" that the hero said did not mean what he thought... The female turned her head slightly, and after having the status of a female monarch, according to the law, the early stage is mandatory share the same bed. I just love surfing the Internet.

 In fact, on the day when I become a maid and marry in, I usually won't be kicked out of bed.

 The male's attitude was considered very polite, and Mi remembered the kick he was kicked when they first met. It didn't hurt very much, and it wasn't an actual injury to the female worm's endurance. It was just that her heart, which was already cold at that time, felt more and more hopeless.

 Thinking of this, the female couldn't help stretching out her hand quietly and touched her buttocks.

 Looking up, I saw the male worm woke up at some time, his eyes bright as stars were narrow and deep, as if they contained the whole night, and he was stunned for a moment, although the sarcasm and ridicule in the corner of the hero's eyes seemed to be still there, but The disgust was not as strong as before, it almost turned into substance, tearing him apart.

 "Can't sleep."

 The male lord's voice was calm and cold, and Mi couldn't help pleading guilty in a low voice, "Sorry, I

 woke you up. " His eyes subconsciously looked to the back, his eyes suddenly paused, and he withdrew his hand with a bit of embarrassment on his face, and kept touching his buttocks, the hero must not be pleasing to the eye.

 The female was thinking about whether she should also accuse her of this matter. The male didn't seem to like the female servant's behavior of inviting pets very much. Now that he has become a female monarch, he should also obey the other's habits and hobbies.

 Suddenly, a big hand was placed on it.

 "Go to sleep." Li Qing closed his eyes, and gently patted the needy female insect.

 Mi's body stiffened, not daring to move for a moment...

 After a while, the male insect seemed to have fallen asleep. The female insect looked at the place where it was caught, and her face was flushed.

 After the cubs were arranged, Mi specially asked Han for help. It is said that Sun Hong of the Sun family also took good care of Dan's affairs, but he didn't know why. The military's rescue operation against alien systems is also on the agenda, and the entire army is about to set off!

 Zhao Ning and Zhao Ri came very early. When Mi boarded the battleship, the two males were already sitting on the command seat. They were only adjutants. Important information has been sorted out, including the list of members accompanying the army, and the preparations for military needs.

 "Check the number and type of power equipment and weapons again, and close the ship door after two hours." Through the window, Mi glanced outside, the land of the Zerg Empire, and he would bring the male back safely.

 The female looked down at the message on the private optical computer. The male master sent a text message and arrived in half an hour. He was slightly relieved, and it seemed that nothing unexpected happened.

 Su nodded slightly, and replied loudly, "Yes!" He turned to leave, but he couldn't help but secretly looked left and right. He heard that the lieutenant general's partner would also come, but he didn't see it yet, maybe something was delayed on the way.

 Li Qing personally drove the aircraft to the place where the battleship was about to set sail. He did not go with the members of the research institute. When the enemy and the enemy were unknown, traveling alone was good for concealing some emotions. When Li Qing drove the aircraft halfway, It was intercepted by two aircraft that suddenly drove out of the road.

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