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    In the evening, the male worms who had been traveling for a day came back again.

    Mi bent his knees that were always straight, and knelt on the ground to welcome the return of his hero. This is the etiquette that unfavored female servants must abide by. Mi has always been very self-aware. At least at this time, it is best not to annoy his hero. host.

    The pace of the male is quite steady, and Mi still hasn't forgotten how hard his buttocks were kicked on their wedding night. He felt that this male may have received training elsewhere, and now many males have joined the army, standing among a group of females, and becoming famous commanders. No Zerg is destined to be fragile from birth, no matter how precious the male is, it will not be stuffed into a glass cabinet as a collectible.

    When Li Qing opened the locker in the kitchen, he found that there were a few cans missing. After he threw two cans to the female worm before, did the future feeding become a behavior of tacit consent...

       This is convenient .

      The rules of the Zerg are all kinds of strange things. In his view, they are nothing more than the rules and regulations of the weak to the strong. He is afraid that his noble status will not be guaranteed. Li Qing raised his eyebrows slightly, noncommittal.

    Mi patiently waited for the male to finish eating. He hadn’t eaten dinner yet, but he had to wait until after the male to eat, and he would not be allowed to serve. He could only eat quietly in a corner to avoid showing indecent Behavior is an eyesore to the male. Now all the behaviors are under default conditions, but once the male worm speaks, what is waiting for him may be leftovers or starvation. 

        Li Qing chose two canned foods with the latest flavors. The food processing technology here is very advanced. Even the canned foods are almost the same as the delicacies eaten by humans in the past. In fact, it is not very easy to despise the high-tech society in terms of food.

       Possibility is nothing more than ingredients, seasonings and cooking techniques. Unless the environment deteriorates to the point that plants no longer grow, otherwise, the intelligent robots that have been developed to the extreme can directly make dishes with precise taste.    

      He quickly settled today's dinner, and then went upstairs, took a bath, and went to bed according to his usual habits...

      Close his eyes and review what he saw today, to see if there was any mistake or omission of any important information. Before the ability of the Zerg to form a party, Li Qing felt that it was always better to be on the safe side.

    The situation tonight is a bit special...

    Kneeling in front of the male lord, blocking the stairs, he actually didn't want to be the protagonist who provoked a special incident. He knew that the male worm didn't like him...

      The reason is that all the Zerg are not pleasing to the eye, and that kind of mental illness called dementia is destined to be unable to communicate normally with the other party. But as a female servant, she is still not favored, has no privileges, and is an extremely lowly female servant. Mi can only follow the wishes of Li's elders and ask his hero... even if he will be kicked away.

    But the strength of the male is nothing, and the female knows that there is no hope, so she comforts herself in her heart, rough skin and thick flesh are a major feature of pure-blooded females, and they can bear the toss.

    "What's the matter?" Li Qing naturally didn't have a good tone when the disliked Zerg gave him a sense of presence.

    Mi bowed his head respectfully and said, "Master Li Ren asked me to work under Lord Gan. Your signature is required for the job application and transfer agreement."

     He was originally the deputy commander of the Fourth Army, and Gan was Once the captain of the First Legion passed by, he could guess what kind of treatment he would receive with the tip of his worm's claws. When there was no battle between the four major legions, they would not fight each other.

    The female knelt on the ground for a while, and found that the male who had taken over the application was still silent, perhaps because he had seen it in detail, he did not raise his eyes, but just looked at the ground quietly.

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