7: Pegboard

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    After Li Qing got up, he walked out of the bedroom and saw the female insect kneeling in front of the door.

    Mi didn't sleep all night, and there were faint bruises under his eyes. At the moment when the male worm appeared, he quickly hid all the cold light in his pupils, and tried his best to make the expression on his face look more docile and pleasant. It is said that this is a great He also tried to laugh at the partiality of some males.

    Males whose physical fitness is not as good as females naturally like to be obedient and sensible. Being too cruel or vicious will make males feel unhappy. Therefore, in addition to internal digestion, the females of the military department are not very popular externally. If the conditions are good, they can find a good male lead through introductions, but if the conditions are poor, or they have no background, it is very easy to become a rich man. cannon fodder.

    Mi didn't think about who would be attracted to him before, but now he clearly sees the fact that the status of lieutenant general is not low, but he can't reach the rank of general, a strong, good-quality female They can be found everywhere, so don’t worry if there are no substitutes, many young females from wealthy families are queuing outside, waiting for a bug to be knocked off accidentally so that they can stand on top. And his identity and experience just matched the male from the Li family who was said to need venting treatment.

    Mi knelt straight, with his legs slightly open, but his eyes could not directly collide with the hero, but he needed to lower them slightly, showing a surrendering attitude. He could feel the opponent's eyes sweeping slowly, with a piercing coolness.

    "It's a disgusting laugh."

    The cold evaluation made Mi move slightly, but he bent down, and his tone was steady and calm, "Please punish me." Li Qing squinted his eyes, and walked around the kneeling

    one in front of him as if he didn't hear it. The female worm went straight down the stairs, took out the canned food for breakfast, changed her clothes and went out. From the beginning to the end, Mi did not wait for the hero to say even punishment. He should be glad that today the hero said four words to himself... It is considered an improvement compared to yesterday, and Mi couldn't help laughing at himself secretly.

    He kept this posture all the time, intending to wait for the male worm to come back, but at noon, two elders of the Li family came over.

    Li Ren has reached the time when he is getting fat in middle age. Even the precious male has a special dietitian in charge of his daily diet, but he eats and drinks enough every day, and he does not want to exercise as often as the male who joins the army. His stomach is getting bigger and bigger. Weight is inevitable, he is used to it, anyway, there is no need to go to the battlefield, so why torture his desire for tongue and tongue.

    Seeing that Li Rencai was about to sit down as soon as he entered the door, and he seemed to be completely indifferent, Gan was a little impatient. He glanced sideways at the female standing in a perfect saluting posture, and his displeased expression became more and more serious. of boredom. Everyone is a female. Although his blood is not very pure, he is naturally inferior to those pure blood in terms of combat power, but now there are not too few pure blood. There are many in the military department. What's the use of marrying if you can't even take care of a man who's gone mad!

    Could it be that he is holding his own worth and wants to get more benefits from the Li family? dream! The married female is still a low-status female servant, so there is no right to speak of it.

    "You said you didn't even climb up on the bed?" Gan's tone was very sarcasm

    . Who else would want a male worm? No matter how precious it is, the female must be able to lay eggs. It doesn’t mean that the higher the class level, the more they can do whatever they want, and they will never have children. Except for the males who have climbed to high positions, the current male-to-female ratio in the clan is still the same. Procreation is the highest priority.

    "...It was my negligence." Mi's expression was cold, but his voice didn't hesitate at all. He had already thought about what the other party was going to do.

    "Speaking but not doing is not the quality of a lieutenant general." Gan sat on the sofa, lazily raised his finger and pointed to the nail board hanging on the wall. These punishment props are all ready-made and brand new It is non-destructive, and it is perfect for educating newly married and ignorant females.

    Did you choose the nail board instead of the short whip? Mi took the instrument of torture that the female was pointing at without changing his expression, and placed it firmly on the ground with the sharp silver light facing upwards neatly. Not long, but long enough to pierce skin and cause enough pain.

    "Just a quarter of an hour, we are kind people." Gan looked kind and generous, and Li Ren shook his head. He never cared about the affairs between the females, as long as Li Qing didn't think the female servant with a kneeling leg was an eyesore. .

    "Yes." Mi raised the hem of his clothes and knelt down.

    His knee, which was already injured, was even more scarred at this time. He did not raise his head, lowered his eyes and lowered his eyebrows, and secretly endured. A thin layer of sweat appeared on the corner of his forehead. The bridge of the nose brushed across the beautiful chin and fell to the ground, the blood slowly spread out along the nail plate.

    "It's not the way to go on like this." Gan seemed to be still not satisfied, while staring at Mi in disgust, in case the female was opportunistic, did not kneel down hard, and complained to his hero, "Li Qing will never want to Come on, young and strong, with strong physical fitness, according to me, female servants have not been educated well, and they are said to be from the military department, and they are very dull."

    Li Ren turned a page of news, and said lightly, "You can figure it out That's fine."

    When Li Qing returned to the villa, he saw that Mi was set up by the rules, kneeling on a nail board, not to mention, there were more than a dozen whip marks on his back, and the ground was stained with blood, but the two Zerg elders A look of turning a blind eye... But it doesn't count, the female named Gan is looking at the wall to study the usage of other props.

    Li Ren heard a noise from the door, looked up, and found that the male insect had come back, so he couldn't help saying hello with a smile. Although the male insect was a little confused, its surname was Li.

    "You're back!" Gan took a sip of his tea and forced a smile, but turned to look at the female insect who was being punished on the ground.

    Mi remained motionless and silent.

    Satisfied willingly, very well, suing without seeing the hero come back, this is not the attitude you should have towards your elders.

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