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When Gou Xuesu came to visit, he deliberately chose a time when the male was not at home. Although he didn't have to bow down to the male who was not married to him, he was still Lieutenant General Mi's friend after all.

     Neglecting the other party, or unconsciously offending him, will definitely make the male worm vent his anger with the tormenting future. Su Yi thought that he once stood proudly in front of the starship among thousands of armies, and could maintain the ultimate calm to command the battle at any time on the battlefield, that should be a rising general!

 Aristocrats, those descendants of several big families who hide behind the military headquarters and only spend money and enjoy themselves, although they cannot be generalized, after all, there are many famous leaders among the wealthy families, but we have to admit that there are still many so-called proud sons of heaven, It is under the protection of the elders and brothers, living like a moth!

 Su felt sorry for Lieutenant General Mi, while paying attention to the movement of the villa... Now that moth has gone out? ! He looked at Li Qing wearing very simple and light clothes. At first glance, the mask was the most valuable all over his body, but if he looked carefully, he could find that even the most simple clothing design was made of high-quality materials and craftsmanship. Very fine, with a sense of atmospheric precipitation.

 The prodigal male, this is a common-sense cognition, and Su also thinks it is normal, except for the subsidies issued by the Zerg Empire, all the income of the female attendant must be turned over to the male master, and the female emperor does not have to. The difference between a master and a house servant. He came to the door with a bag of food, thinking that before the male worm came back, maybe he could ask the lieutenant general to order a meal. After all, the news that he was going to starve to death a few days before the wedding had already been spread in the streets and alleys. .

 Damn male worm, can't he treat it well if he is sick? You have to vent your anger on the future!

 Su walked into the yard, made sure that the male worm would not turn back suddenly, and found that he came uninvited, which caused trouble for the lieutenant general, and then knocked on the door. He didn't even dare to press the doorbell... softly OK.

 Mi was not surprised that Su would come over. The army's executive ability has always been very good, and the reaction speed is also very fast. He was already surprised that Su did not come on the same day.

 When Su saw the former lieutenant general, he saluted subconsciously. After realizing it, he was not restrained. Instead, he maintained the saluting posture more generously for a while, and then put his hand down. He was willing, even if the opponent did not have a military position!

 Mi’s expression remained the same, he just poured a glass of water for this former subordinate, without tea leaves, he couldn’t touch those expensive things, and the cups were also disposable, lest the male worms find out in the future, and it would cause other worms The tribe moved the objects in the house and got angry, Mi didn't care how he would be punished by the male, but he could avoid it if he could.

 "Last night I saw that Li Qing came back a little early...so I didn't contact you immediately." Su observed the expression of the former lieutenant general, and first explained why he didn't come right away after receiving the secret order that day, and he secretly looked at Xia Mi The lieutenant general found that the other party was not as scarred and exhausted as he had imagined, but rather... looked like he was well fed?

 The skin is shiny with a touch of rosy, although the outline is still clear and the face is handsome, but in the past Lieutenant General Mi has always been a dignified, calm and cold deputy head of the army. The taste of unknown origin... Su Tong is a female, obviously can't distinguish the change of power better, and can only attribute it to, maybe he received the secret order from the army commander, and he is as excited as himself!

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