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    The two elders of the Li family waited downstairs for a while, seeing that Li Qing had no intention of going downstairs again, and that lowly female servant did not appear again, they glanced at each other secretly, and left straight away, this illness is not good Rule, they all know.

    Mi walked into the master bedroom with a respectful demeanor. Making the bed is an essential skill for every female servant. Long before he married in, he was asked to practice countless times. According to the rules, when a female attendant is called to serve in the master bedroom, she must learn not to soil the sheets as much as possible. After being used by the male, she should carefully clean up all the filth before being allowed to go back to the room to rest... As for staying overnight ? That is a gift that only the most favored female servant can get!

    Mi lowered his head and looked at the bed in front of him, which was as neat as a model of a military camp. The hand that was about to meticulously implement the male insect's request could only stop in mid-air, with a motionless expression. He couldn't help but secretly surprised that most of the male insects They have always been pampered and pampered, even if it is a poor family, once a male cub is born, they can get very generous benefits and rights. Under thoughtful protection, even those males with good personalities would not do such trivial things by themselves, let alone the male in front of him, who was already spoiled...

    Li Qing simply rinsed it off , The bathing facilities here are very advanced, basically you don't need to spend too much time in it, the water vapor will be dried the moment it ends, he casually picked up a soft plain robe and put it on, seeing the female Chong stood beside the big bed, seemingly at a loss.    

      After Mi noticed that the male worm came out of the wash, he knew it was not good. He didn’t do anything. Anyway, it was a bad attitude of passive strike. So what if the bed was tidy. The punishment was light, and Mi knelt down to admit his mistake. The status of female servants in the family is extremely low, and her knees are particularly worthless.   

    Li Qing ignored the female insect. He walked to the spacious soft chair near the window and sat down. With his legs crossed, he picked up a cup of hot tea next to him and drank it slowly. body, eyes slightly narrowed.  

    "Let me explain in detail the process of leading the army to attack the earth."

    The male worm's tone was indifferent, with a bit of cold meaning, his eyebrows and eyes were drooping, his back was slightly bent, and he could still feel a disgusted gaze sweeping across his hair, and he couldn't help but smile wryly. How can this kind of thing be compiled perfectly? Mi covered up the thoughts in his eyes, let the male worm look down at himself, and said, "We found traces of a primitive planet called Earth at a jumping point in space. After a period of detailed investigation, I felt that it was necessary to capture it, so I ordered the affiliated team of the Fourth Army to attack. I happened to be the deputy commander at the time, so I also..."

       Mi actually found a previous war case and slightly changed it. Tell the hero to listen. At that time, the enemy was a disguised civilian planet that secretly cultivated star thieves. Because it was located in a remote place, it had not been found. It was only exposed by a coincidence.

      After that war, he was also promoted to the position of lieutenant general , with outstanding military exploits, the regiment he leads is strictly disciplined, and has outstanding combat power. I thought I could win the promotion to general in one go, but I didn't want to... the world is unpredictable.    

       Any race has a political dark side, and Mi's expression remained unchanged, continuing to tell about this adaptation case.  

       The voice of the female insect was as steady and calm as a news broadcast, without any emotional ups and downs. After speaking, she lowered her body and waited for the male insect to deal with it.    

      After hearing so much, the other party must have been very angry. He measured his current physical fitness and compared it with the punishment props downstairs, his face was not moved at all.   

      "...Why didn't I find the information you mentioned?" Li Qing looked coldly at the female in front of him, and searched for a long time. No matter whether it was books, news, or documents, there was no mention of the word "earth".

       Is he dazed? Impossible, the era of war-torn panic is vivid in my memory. Human beings ran to escape, and those who moved slowly were killed mercilessly. Under the icy starship, the Zerg army spread its wings and swept across the sky. Far above the inhabitants of the earth!   

     It was a struggle without a future, a resistance without hope, deep despair wrapped in deep-seated hatred lingering in his mind, lingering, Li Qing endured for a long time, before he lost control and directly attacked the female, he Still need to get more information.   

    Mi hesitated for a moment, and found a reason that he didn't quite believe, "Perhaps the incident was too small, so it wasn't recorded."

    Things like the destruction of the planet can't be classified as small incidents, let alone leave no trace... But no matter how powerful the Li family is, they won't be able to tamper with historical records, so the psychiatrist's treatment must be carried out Planning is not an easy task. Is it really helpful to follow the male worm's words and let the other's imagination become a false reality? Wouldn't it make this soul-leaving disorder more serious? He has reservations about that.

    As soon as the voice fell, Mi could feel that the male worm on the seat was even more angry. He regarded himself as the hero of that kind of creature called human being. When he heard that the planet he belonged to was evaluated as worthless, he would naturally feel good attitude.

    "For a lieutenant general to attack with an army, is it an insignificant, worthless action?!" Li Qing paused for a moment, and said word by word.

    Mi was speechless for a moment, but soon bowed his head to express his humility, "There were too many wars at that time, and it was normal for some omissions to be recorded...and lieutenant general is not such a valuable title." Isn't he just a real example, The female worm smiled wryly in her heart, no one would feel happy being married as a plaything, and a lieutenant general is nothing in the face of fighting tactics and class influence.

    The male worm fell silent, and Mi maintained a respectful figure. I don’t know if his adaptation has any effect, but it’s better to have something to say than not to say anything, and patients with dementia...that is, the psychotic Zerg, are affected in nerve cells Under the circumstances, it should not be so difficult to convince.

    "You think you're worthless?" the male on the seat asked suddenly.

    Mi was slightly taken aback, a bit of bitterness flashed across his eyes, but he couldn't hear the slightest bit in his tone. He couldn't even grasp the selling price. It was the sorrow of a female. He lowered his head and frowned, "This body It belongs to the male lord, and the value should be determined by the male lord."

    There seemed to be a slight snort in the air, disdainful and cold, and the disgust that was almost solidified into reality did not disappear, and then, the female was involuntarily lifted up. head.

    Mi found that the male worm was actually provoking his chin with his toes.

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