41: Rejected

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The reporters from the News Daily came upon hearing the news. Although they did not have any first-hand information, there were so many Zergs present, and they remained in a state of sluggishness for a long time. Anyone who found them could catch them. Vent - vent - the surprise and excitement in my heart! It's a pity that the two elders who are said to be from the Li family have quietly left, otherwise the reporter would always be able to gather more explosive news from the clues.

 A very dedicated reporter specially used a professional camera analysis instrument to wirelessly enlarge the photo of the male insect. Although this may be suspected of cheating, it will not involve any political issues, as long as he does not randomly take pictures of the inside of the villa. The situation was fine, Li Qing's face became gradually clearer under the powerful analysis equipment.

 The pair of eyes that can shock the heartstrings even if they are far away are even more shining now. The facial contours are perfect, and the handsome facial features are particularly outstanding. Even a senior reporter who has read countless excellent men has no choice but to bow down and admit that the other party does have the capital to dominate the headlines!

 Soon, Li Qing's snapshot was spread wildly on the optical network. Since the male worm took the initiative to show up and took off his mask, then posting a photo and not disclosing other information will prevent optical network law enforcement officers from investigating it. The Zerg, who always has good things, restored the events at that time. Li Qing's specific information was not disclosed, but just by his name... the whole empire knew that Li Qing was a diagnosed psychopath!

 In order to make it easier to make statistics every year, and the number of males is really not much, so most of the males will not have the same name, not to mention living in the central area of ​​the empire, and Li From a family background, the female attendant is still Lieutenant General Mi... The male worm is obviously the one who is rumored to be suffering from the rare mental disease, the soul-leaving disease, which undoubtedly shocked many Zerg races. Chong has been in the limelight a few times before, but he fell ill again...

 Reality always defeats imagination, and the other party is really so good? !

 Protected the female servant openly and aboveboard, and didn't do anything! It doesn't look like an action caused by madness, and his expression is as indifferent as ice and snow. There is a natural momentum and charm in his gestures and gestures. No matter how you look at it, there is a special attraction!

 Regarding the two elders of the Li family, the reporters don't have such good professional ethics. First, they uploaded the relevant information as if they were skinning Li Ren and Gan, and specifically noted the delicate relationship between Li Qing and the two elders. Relationship!

 It is said that Li Ren and Gan planned to marry Lieutenant General Mi. Before the wedding, Li Qing had no idea of ​​such a thing!

 I heard that the female gentleman who is going to talk about marriage now is also liked by the two elders, Li Qing is completely unfamiliar with it!

 I heard that the soul-disappearing disease is a very serious mental illness. Once the sick Zerg falls into madness, it is easy to cause various complications, which will lead to a painful death. The agency will also take special care of the male. And Li Qing has the right to inherit the property. Once he loses his Zerg identity with normal thinking, these properties will be handed over to the two elders directly!

 Some gossip lovers quickly discovered what was wrong, and conspiracy theory lovers had already dissected Li Ren and Gan's psychological thoughts step by step. There was a one-sided trend, which led to Li Ren and Gan having to stay at home to avoid being thrown stinky fruit when they went out.

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