5: Humiliation

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    Although the area where Li Qing lives is located in the center of the city, the environment is very quiet. Even during the peak hours of residents going out, it doesn't appear to be noisy, but today there are always people passing by to watch the excitement.

    "Hey, I thought it was some down-and-out bug kneeling on the ground, it turned out to be Mi-sama!" With an obviously malicious voice, a short female bug pretended to be surprised, and stood outside the yard fence, grinning. Said, he has been displeased with power for a long time. The same graduate from a school, why did the other party, who was only a commoner, be able to fight his way to the position of lieutenant general and be appreciated by his superiors, while he was full of talents, but no one cared about him? !

    Mi must be cheating!

    He used his body to seduce those powerful males, so dirty, that's why his male master showed displeasure on the first day of marriage... The female swept the yard and knelt with disdainful eyes. With Mi's upper body lying on his back, he turned his head and whispered a few words to his companion. After a while, vulgar and clear laughter broke out among the bugs.

    "I don't think it makes sense. Do other males have a crush on him?"

    "That's right, being kicked out on the first day also broke the record of marriage harmony in G City. It really embarrasses us females!" "

    Don't say that He has been on the battlefield, seen blood, and made meritorious deeds, how can he compare with us logistics personnel?" "

    Hahaha, yes, cold-blooded and ruthless, which male would like it, but it's just married to practice hands , It’s a good deal to be a sandbag, anyway, it’s not worth much..."

    Several female insects chatted while eating the fruit in their hands, obviously pointing at the living joke in front of them to cheer.

    Because the number of sub-female is becoming increasingly scarce, many females with poor physical fitness have been transferred to the logistics department or entered the daily service industry. Only the most powerful females will be selected to join the army. They, who had been rejected because of poor aptitude in the past, found it a different kind of fun to watch a lieutenant general who was once high above him wantonly insulted by him and unable to fight back.

    Mi knelt on the ground, motionless, with an indifferent expression.

    Even if he is humiliated, he cannot act first.

    Let alone angering the male worms, he has to keep kneeling.

    As long as other bugs do not enter the yard for no reason, they will not be listed as the attack range of the female bug, so as not to disturb others and cause unnecessary trouble to the male master... This is the rule to be followed when married as a female queen, A few saliva-stained fruit cores were thrown on his back, Mi's body was straight, and he smiled wryly in his heart. He probably had the same function as a watchdog.

    Several females sneered for a while, probably because they didn't respond at all, and they couldn't help feeling a little less interested. The shorter female in the lead snorted, looked at the sun, and turned away with her companions. Now, they still have a lot of things to play and enjoy, they don't need to stand here and bask in the sun all the time.

    They were not the first batch to come to see the theater, but the last ones to leave. Today's sunlight is so vicious that the more delicate civilians can't bear it until noon.

    At this time, there are a lot of troubles, and there are no charcoal in the snow. It's not that Mi's popularity is poor, but that the newly married female servants, all rights and interests belong to the males. Even if Mi's friends come, they can't persuade them, let alone reach out to help . Su, who was a major general before, also took a lot of risks to invite the elders of the Li family to come forward. It is not easy to succeed once, and it is impossible to do it again.

    The noises in the ear gradually disappeared, and Mi looked down at the soil-smeared fruit stones on the ground, with a few pieces of pulp on them, those female insects hadn't gnawed the food clean, this is a living in the city According to the habit of the Zerg, every bite of food is precious on the alien battlefield.

    He looked again, feeling a little regretful.

    The newly married female servant can only be fed by the male worm. Without any instructions from the male lord, Mi can only continue to endure the torture of starvation.

    At dusk, Li Qing came back from his wanderings, reviewed the collected information and forcibly remembered it in his mind. He walked into the courtyard of the luxury villa, and when he looked up, he saw the hungry female insect that was fainting on the ground.

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