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 The news of Li Qing's death was well hidden, and it was not until Sun Yi was sentenced to death that this matter was finally announced.  But he couldn't care less, at this moment he stared at the female

 in front of him without blinking, and kept begging, "Kill me, please, kill me!"

He didn't change a bit, just sat there quietly, his legs crossed, his slender body wrapped in military uniform, his muscles were strong and contained strength.

 "No, don't hit me again... Please!" Sun Yi yelled hoarsely, tears streaming down uncontrollably, his body, unable to escape the torture instrument, trembled in the air like a broken leaf, and he was on the verge of collapse.

 "I'll say it, I'll say it!"

 The continuous interrogation in recent days finally pried Sun Yi's mouth open.

 He saw the female worm raised her head, her sharp eyes slashed like blades, making this seemingly quiet painting icy and dazzling. Sun Yi couldn't help shivering. The soldier raised it up, and couldn't help but quickly said in horror, "The soul transformation device was in the experimental stage at the time, and the selected human beings were just initial test products. After the previous data analysis, the souls transmitted to other bodies will not last for more than five years. Years, this time limit will only be less, not more!"

 "What will happen after the time limit is up."

 The female insect's voice was as cold as a snow mountain that would not melt all year round, Sun Yi swallowed, and tremblingly said, "The soul dissipates, Disappear forever."

 As soon as the voice fell, the air pressure dropped suddenly!

 Enduring this extremely oppressive atmosphere, Sun Yi trembled like a sieve. After a long silence, he heard the female insect speak slowly, "Is there any way to recover?" "Absolutely impossible, unless the soul

 power It is extremely powerful, and has a strong desire to survive, so that the dissipated souls can be reunited... Even so, the probability is less than one in ten million!" Sun Yi vowed, he observed the expression of the female insect, trying to On that calm and stern face, guess something.

 Sometimes being calm often means that there are ups and downs in the heart. Only by forcibly suppressing it will the slightest pain appear in the eyes. Only then did Sun Yi realize that the male worm was really dead. He breathed a sigh of relief, as if he had let go of his heart. A huge stone was lifted, and the expression in the eyebrows and eyes returned to the past.

 That Li Jiaxiong died, what a heartbreak!

 Seeing that Mi closed her eyes and remained silent, Sun Yi grinned and blood dripped from the corner of her lips, but he didn't care at all. Since she was about to die, why not give the female the final stimulus, Sun Yi said slowly, "I I didn't expect that he would choose to die like this."

 The female immediately looked up.

 He licked his dry lips and showed a relaxed smile, "Although the experiment is unstable, if you inject qualified nuclear energy into that body, there is a certain possibility that the soul can be completely integrated into that body." "

 The so-called condition is nothing more than the need to have the gene of the direct descendant, as well as the gene of the partner who conceived the offspring, two abolished Zerg, in exchange for his life, I thought Li Qing would make a wise choice." "

 You The nuclear energy of the cub, together with the nuclear energy of the cub, is enough to play a role before he dies. The lifespan of the Zerg without nuclear energy is greatly shortened, and they are unable to exert any combat power. Although I really want to see you suspect and hurt each other, it is a pity, now say It's too late, he's already dead, hahaha!"

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